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  1. demounit

    Homebrew RELEASE melonDS for Switch — continuation

    it's amazing how improved this is! runs dragon quest 9 perfectly so far. i was wondering if there was a way to change the resolution of the game? would be interesting to see what resolution dq9 could get up to. thanks again for this!
  2. demounit

    Homebrew [Release] arc13's freeShop fork - open source eShop alternative

    hey guys I have a pretty weird problem. I'm on the latest freeshop and I used to be able to download games in the app, like on the download tab it showed you how fast the download was going and what was left. but now for whatever reason my only option is sleep mode downloads. even when I click...
  3. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    wew so much speculation in this thread being treated as fact. the *only* fact is we have no idea why some people got banned. i'm dipping out of here, see ya next ban wave, bois.
  4. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    yea it was accessing the game servers early. everyone who went online, even those with legit copies, before the release date got banned. reviewers were told not to go online before launch too.
  5. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    get out of here, Nintendo
  6. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    i've been playing mario kart a lot tonight and still no ban.
  7. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    i'm starting to think it's from people who have used cheats.
  8. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    i've been playing mario kart all day for science. i'm fully hacked, use freeshop, don't have spotpass on and never have and i'm still not banned. i'll report back if anything changes, but so far i'm totally fine.
  9. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    i'm playing mk7 and smash right now if you wanna do either of those
  10. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    what's google? also no i haven't used MSET. i used a o3ds on a >9.2 fw to hack then system transfer to my n3dsxl on 11.1. this was maybe about 8 months ago? my n3dsxl got banned during pokemon bans but i unbanned it with a clean seed. i've also got another o3ds that i just recently used...
  11. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    what's the MSET exploit?
  12. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    just checked again and i'm still not banned. i even played some smash online earlier to see if actually connecting to a game and not just friends list does it. i've also restarted the system to see if that changed anything.
  13. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    did you have any hacked pokemon on your non-hacked console?
  14. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    did you use any hacked Pokemon online?
  15. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    I'm still not convinced that this isn't just another Pokemon ban. I've seen some mixed reports, but is there anyone here who was banned who hasn't played Pokemon online? and is there anyone here who was banned who *didn't* have hacked Pokemon? I've never used hacked Pokemon and I'm not banned...
  16. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    we aren't gloating we are trying to be helpful by giving our situation information. it might be useful in figuring out why we aren't banned. don't be so butthurt.
  17. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    it's already been shown that tons of people who didn't get the seasons pass or even get echoes at all have been banned.
  18. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    well I just checked and I'm still not banned. even played a round of smash. I had spotpass and send data turned off in settings and every game that asked. I used freeshop and am updated to 11.4 and b9s. very weird. I'm fully expecting to get hit soon. just so strange how we don't know...
  19. demounit

    Homebrew UPDATE: Regarding the recent 3DS banwave

    you don't even know what caused the ban in the first place. rip that clean seed.
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