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  1. Krizeth

    Switch FW Update 15.0.0 ! but the sigpatches ??

    thank u bro :) 1665601285 I know about the Itotaljusti DMCA but i dont know if i must wairt or use the old sigpatches, thanks anyaway ;)
  2. Krizeth

    Switch FW Update 15.0.0 ! but the sigpatches ??

    Hi all guys, I am still writing here because I have a new question: This morning I saw a new Switch FW update: 15.0.0, as usual I went to the github pages of Atmosphere & Hekate finding to my surprise already the releases / pre-releases that support the current version (15.0.0). At this point...
  3. Krizeth

    Super Mario Odyssey Online (Mod) -help-

    guys i leave the thread open in case someone else has the same problem, thanks again !! :yayswitch: :toot:
  4. Krizeth

    Super Mario Odyssey Online (Mod) -help-

    It works perfectly !!!:hrth::grog: Thanks again @binkinator !:yay: You are the best ! :bow:
  5. Krizeth

    Super Mario Odyssey Online (Mod) -help-

    Thanks so much bro! You are great! :bow: Perfect explanation in detail! Thanks again brother! :lol: I'll try it now and I'll give updates (P.S. I know Aviano (PN), I'm from Milan, if you come to my part I'll gladly offer you a beer). :grog:
  6. Krizeth

    Super Mario Odyssey Online (Mod) -help-

    brooo .. thanks a lot !! I remember you, and it's not the first time you help me! Always happy to hear from you :D anyway, you are right! like you said i make my life complicated lol! :P:rofl2: But just as you guessed I just wanted to know how to configure for the SimpleModManager :unsure...
  7. Krizeth

    Super Mario Odyssey Online (Mod) -help-

    Hello everyone, for those who are not already aware of it, the Super Mario Odyssey Online Mod (by CraftyBoss) has been released a few days ago. I downloaded version 1.0, server.exe etc, I read it works on SMO 1.0 so I want to downgrade my SMO 1.3.0 to 1.0 and so far no problem. Now I install...
  8. Krizeth

    Retroarch > pcsx Rearmed (Play psx game on switch) -Help-

    Grazie per la rapida risposta, vorrei provare ad inserire "PSXONPSP660.bin" perché francamente anche dal mio punto di vista l'OC sarebbe l'ultima risorsa. Se inserisco "PSXONPSP660.bin" nella directory retroarch / cores / system, devo rimuovere l'altro BIOS o semplicemente aggiungere il file...
  9. Krizeth

    Retroarch > pcsx Rearmed (Play psx game on switch) -Help-

    Just tested, the games run perfectly, Only bad thing is the crackling audio in some games = ( Tested: GTA 2 - (Perfect audio & Perfect gameplay) Gex 3D Deep Cover Gecko - (Crackling Audio & Good Gameplay) Hogs of War - (Semi-Crackling Audio, Perfect Gameplay) Hogs of War - (Crash When...
  10. Krizeth

    Retroarch > pcsx Rearmed (Play psx game on switch) -Help-

    Thank you very much for the clarification, will give it a try and give updates, thanks again =)
  11. Krizeth

    Retroarch > pcsx Rearmed (Play psx game on switch) -Help-

    Hi guys, I see several videos on youtube of people playing playstation 1 games on switch via Retroarch using pcsx rearmed as the core. I already have retroarch installed, I use it mainly with core snes but as explained in the title I would like to emulate psx games. I am quite familiar with...
  12. Krizeth

    Update emuMMC to 13.2.1 (clarifications)

    Tegraexplorer not working for me, i follow the @Stryd method: download 13.2.1 from darthsternie site and install via Daybreak, (choose FAT32+FexAT) & (Preserv Settings) . Everything works !!! Thanky you so much brooo :yay3ds::bow::grog:
  13. Krizeth

    Update emuMMC to 13.2.1 (clarifications)

    perfect bro, ill do a try and give update ! Thanks for now :)
  14. Krizeth

    Information on Lockpick_RCM.bin

    Perfect bro, all clear as always !! As a consequence then I don't care :lol: Thank You !!
  15. Krizeth

    Update emuMMC to 13.2.1 (clarifications)

    @The Catboy so it works with tegraexplorer on 13.2.1?
  16. Krizeth

    Information on Lockpick_RCM.bin

    I had read but I do not understand much as I am new in this field, thank you for the clarifications on this! :D
  17. Krizeth

    Information on Lockpick_RCM.bin

    I knew the link too bro, could you give me some information? do i have to use it?
  18. Krizeth

    Information on Lockpick_RCM.bin

    Hi guys, I'm always looking for clarification to deepen my knowledge on nintendo switch modding. I was browsing the web, and I see that many people are talking about "Lockpick_RCM.bin". From what I see it is associated with backups, but I have already done my backups (BOOT0 / BOOT1 /...
  19. Krizeth

    Update emuMMC to 13.2.1 (clarifications)

    Hi everyone, I still find myself here asking for clarification regarding the 13.2.1 update.:unsure: I am currently on 13.2.0 on both ofw and emuMMC, (AMS 1.2.6), and from what I understand, I can update the ofw from my "Nintendo Stock" via the system settings. (I have a clean sysnand, use only...
  20. Krizeth

    Help with latest update 13.2.1

    Thank you very much ! you raised me a lot of doubts!:bow: So if I understand correctly the best way is to update without using AMS, Directly form "Original" Nintendo way and when I want to do it I'll have to update the emuMMC with Daybreak to keep profiles and saves, right? I think at this...
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