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  1. M

    Weird Screen Tearing on vWii

    Hey! I actually forgot to reply to the original thread with an update, but my error was caused by the exact same setup you have - trying to fix the overscan border with evWii. Unfortunately this causes the screen tearing issue with the console set to 480p...720p and 1080p work fine with it...
  2. M

    Nasty Screen Tearing out of the blue on vWii - 480p

    Oops...posted this in the wrong section, you're right. Is the custom to just delete this thread and repost it in the Wii U section? lol And yes, I've tried using a composite 480i connection and it has the same issue. I've ruled out it being the graphics card failing because there's no visual...
  3. M

    Nasty Screen Tearing out of the blue on vWii - 480p

    Hi everyone, I've been noticing a nasty screen tearing issue that's seemingly popped up out of nowhere in the past day or two. It only appears when I run the vWii menu in 480p (doesn't matter if it's an Aroma 480p forwarder or setting the Wii U to 480p in settings). It doesn't appear on the Wii...
  4. M

    How to install Boot2vWii (as a noob)? Wanting to boot into the Wii Menu in 480p.

    I got it to work! (first try somehow LOL) vWii menu booting up in 480p. Here's the .wuhb file if it helps anyone:
  5. M

    How to install Boot2vWii (as a noob)? Wanting to boot into the Wii Menu in 480p.

    Ohh I see! Best case scenario I would love to be able to compile it myself to enter into the vWii menu (in 480p), but the only ones I've found are for specific channels (HBC, USBLoaderGX, etc.) I'll have to keep looking, thanks though!
  6. M

    How to install Boot2vWii (as a noob)? Wanting to boot into the Wii Menu in 480p.

    Hi guys! As the title suggests, I'm kind of a noob when it comes to modding my Wii U and I'm getting an mClassic in the mail soon, so I'd like to be able to launch into the vWii menu in 480p without having to manually change the resolution every time. I heard that Boot2vWii allows me to do this...
  7. M

    How to install Aroma after installing Tiramisu?

    I'm still fairly new to Wii U modding and I'm not sure how to install Aroma alongside Tiramisu. I've already installed Tiramisu and I'm not sure what steps overlap and/or may be different when installing another environment like Aroma. Any help will be appreciated!
  8. M

    Downsides to disabling Deflicker?

    I was just wondering if there were any downsides/game incompatibilities with having the deflicker filter disabled in USBLoaderGX? I was reading the other day about games such as Metroid Prime Trilogy not properly disabling the filter. On a side note, does the USBLoaderGX deflicker patch also...
  9. M

    Disable deflickering on CTGP-R? Alternatively, launch CTGP-R in USBLoaderGX with disc?

    In an effort to keep consistency between my game library, I'm wondering if I can apply the deflickering option present in USBLoaderGX onto CTGP:R, which I'm aware has to be run in its own channel. Is it possible to run CTGP:R's channel in USBLoaderGX with the disc inserted in order to apply the...
  10. M

    SSD for USBLoaderGX needs to be unplugged and re-plugged in order to work

    I tried changing the meta.xml file with no luck, but I tried using a flash drive instead of my SSD just to test on Boot iOS 249 and everything worked just fine, even loading into and playing games. I'm not using a Y-cable unfortunately because I saw a few posts saying that SSD's require less...
  11. M

    SSD for USBLoaderGX needs to be unplugged and re-plugged in order to work

    I've been trying to get USBLoaderGX working on my homebrewed vWii for a minute now, using a Samsung Portable T7 SSD. After a bit of tinkering I found that using CIOS 249 as my Loader CIOS, USBLoaderGX will pick up on my SSD, but ONLY if I unplug it and replug it back in while it is doing the...
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