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    Tempmas 2011 - Week 1!

    Oh man there is no way I'm winning this. But why not try :)
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    Hacking Loading GC backups from SD card?

    I've played several games using swiss. This is my experience, so don't take it as gospel. They all worked almost perfectly. There was some buzzing and slowdown when it had to read from the disc, but after you play the game for a little you realize (most) games don't read from the disc all that...
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    Hacking USBLoader GX + Super Paper Mario = nope

    I would try a different dump, as I have that game and don't think I've ever had any problems (nor have I heard of this problem before)
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    Hacking Homebrew cheat apps not working no matter WHAT!

    I haven't tried this, so I'm not going to say it will work. But I use notepad++ for my text editing, and in edit-> EOL conversion, it can convert between windows, UNIX, and Mac. It's come in handy once before when I had an issue between windows/linux line endings in my programming class. Is that...
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    Hacking Smash Bros. Brawl DVD Not Loading

    if it works from the usb loader, then the iso is fine. if you have the right cios for neogamma (see my previous post) and it won't play it, it's gotta be the discs themselves. and since you say you only have trouble with double layer discs, it's probably that. I've never burned a disc, but I...
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    Hacking Smash Bros. Brawl DVD Not Loading

    From the neogamma thread: So get one of those. Brawl does work on Neogamma. Neogamma uses cIOS only, darkcorp and etc has nothing to do with neogamma. If you have one of those cIOS and it still does not work, I'm wanting to put the blame on your disc. Darkcorp is for launching from the disc...
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    Hacking Playing Gamecube on Wii ?

    I managed to compile and run dios mios back when it was released, and it was buggy, to put it nicely. Many games would boot, but they had terrible audio problems, slowdown, and were generally crashy. Most games were unplayable. I do personally use swiss though, on a wii with an sd gecko, and...
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    Hacking Wii Bricked, have HBC and Starfall.. experts needed!

    I'm pretty sure Modmii can do it. It's a sticky. I'm also pretty sure the sneek gui installer can do it. Located here:
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    Hacking Wii Bricked, have HBC and Starfall.. experts needed!

    Sneek can use absolutely any NAND - you don't even have to make the backup yourself. You can use PC tools to build a brand new NAND yourself. Sneek won't fix your Wii - but it would allow you to use your Wii again. Sneek loads and runs a NAND from your SD card or hard drive, meaning that you...
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    Hacking DIOS-MIOS released!

    I got this working to the point everyone else has I guess. Green screen, game loads (or doesn't), then terrible sound and eventual crash. Still, exciting progress. For reference, I tried two games, skies of arcadia didn't start, star fox assault started with terrible sound then crashed when I...
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    Hacking DIOS-MIOS released!

    I'm curious to know what games anybody has gotten working. I've tried skies of arcadia and starfox assault, and both just stayed at a black screen. It was the U version of assault, if that makes a difference (Crediar uses E right?). I'm just wondering how everyone else is faring in their...
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    Hacking DIOS-MIOS released!

    If you decide you want to compile it yourself down the road, I was having that issue, and I resolved it by getting the 2 IOS in the sneek directory. It's in the compile sneek guide, I skipped it my first time through, but when I had that problem I decided to go back and get them and voila! it...
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    Hacking DIOS-MIOS released!

    I've got this working (I can get a gamecube game to load in the disc channel). But it doesn't work once I start it. I only have one game to test with (Skies of Arcadia), does anyone know if this is a problem game? Should I try another game? I can get some from my brother.
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    Hacking I just got a 2.1e Wii, what to do ?

    I realized that as I posted it. Thanks for confirming, and clearing up my fuzzy knowledge.
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    Hacking I just got a 2.1e Wii, what to do ?

    nvm, pretty sure I'm wrong. ignore post. it was a suggestion about the trucha but after some thinking I realized it wouldn't work.
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    Hacking Is using SNEEK always preferable?

    You could just try it out and see for yourself. Yes it's extra protection, but if you aren't going to do anything dangerous, it might be a bit overkill. But is that bad? Not really. And it does have some nice features that you can play with. There's no harm in setting it up and later deciding it...
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    Hacking How in the world do you get roy in Brawl? Links inside.

    The link you posted looks like it has almost everything (I didn't download it to check though). Just find the file replacement code by phantomwings (I think is the author, been a while, not sure), and launch the game. It's just an ocarina code, if you've ever used those before. The textures...
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    Hacking DIOS MIOS! GC ISO Loader proof of concept (Starfox Assault)

    To me, it seems like people have suddenly decided it will never come out. Does sorg have some valid points? Yes, of course. But unless we hear something from Crediar, they are just theories. The official word right now is that it will be released for free at some point in the future. Will...
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    Hacking NeoGamma R9 beta

    I think he means to ask, can you save the save files to the sd card instead of a memory card. If that is what he means, then it is not possible.
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    Hacking Please helpme to understand some simple things!

    Installing wads was pretty much the reason people started installing preloader (priiloader now) and bootmii in the first place. If you get one with a corrupt banner, you'll banner brick.
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