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  1. M

    Homebrew SmashStack PAL/KOR (Wii Entry)

    thanks very much
  2. M

    Hacking Can't Dump Brawl with any loader!

    a question .. Do you have a modchip on wii? I had these issues with the wiikey fusion, now I can install any game
  3. M

    Hacking "not a wii disk" wtf

    Sorry for my English, I'm Italian and I am translating with google .... I had the same problem but with the wiikey fusion ... I could not install the original games and I could not even read through the loader ... also often had to keep an original game in the wii otherwise hangs loading backup...
  4. M

    Hacking Jabba the Haxx

    all resolved with the version found on HackMii
  5. M

    Hacking Jabba the Haxx

    Hello everyone ... I tried Jabba ... When I get to the screen where it says to press A to hack on the wii that hangs by a wheezing continued until the turn off .... What can it be? can get in somehow priiloader?
  6. M


    Hello everyone I'm glad I got here
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