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  1. Javanya

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    My checkpoint shows game played time wrong, installed dbi and it also shows wrong, what could be the reason?
  2. Javanya

    Hacking Homebrew Incorrect plau time in homebrew apps

    Hello, basically I always used Checkpoint to save game data and transfer. Also I used it a lot to see how much I played games and it always showed playtime correctly. After updating to newer versions of homebrew Checkpoint started to give some UI lags and show time incorrectly. I finished...
  3. Javanya

    Hacking Homebrew app 3ds screens went gray while modding

    I was following tutorial on how to hack your 3ds and when in safe mode after gaing to detailed setup in proxy settings both screens went gray. My new 3ds ll is japanese and on latest firmware
  4. Javanya

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    My switch itself is not using latest version
  5. Javanya

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    Als The thing is that game doesn't launch anymore without stable internet connection, but I could play it before without internet. Is not there a way to play it without internet?
  6. Javanya

    Cannot play MK11 in flight mode

    So I used to play all games using flight mode to use less battery. Recently I connected to new wifi and didn't configure dns, since then I cannot play mk11 like that as it asks for internet connection. Is there a way to fix things?
  7. Javanya

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    I liked tinfoil bc I can just install games from Switch without using pc. As I understood I'll need it if I use TinWoo. Is there any alternative?
  8. Javanya

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    I guess everything happened bc I connected to new wifi and didn't configure it. Now I need to delete pending update and then I can use tinfoil again? Or I'll need to reinstall jailbreak?
  9. Javanya

    Switch asks for software update

    Yeah I'm just surprised how could this even happen as I just downloaded game from tinfoil. Maybe it was because I connected to new wifi
  10. Javanya

    Switch asks for software update

    I mean it also gives me an error with code 2181 4008 when I try to launch one of the games
  11. Javanya

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    After that I'll be able to launch games as I did before? And also what do I do about game I just installed? It has an infinite loader instead lf icon.
  12. Javanya

    Switch asks for software update

    Thanks! Also I guess switch already got banned? But how did everything happen? I mean I downloaded a game from tinfoil just as usually but using different wifi and store and now can't even launch that game. It got question mark as icon. What can I do about that?
  13. Javanya

    Switch asks for software update

    Can you please explain what happened? And what's darth site
  14. Javanya

    Switch asks for software update

    My switch asked and downloaded update when connected to new wifi. Now it even asks to do this update before launching every game. And also cannot launch mk11 as it asks for internet connection now.
  15. Javanya

    Hacking Cannot launch some games

    Can you please give a longer explanation? All I see there is I used bad title installer but what's that and which one I use? What can I do now?
  16. Javanya

    Hacking Cannot launch some games

    So I was using my hacked switch just fine and today I decided to download persona 5 royal. I connected to different wifi and didn't configure it in any way, just went to tinfoil, added new store and downloaded persona 5. Now I see that game's icon got an infinite loading spinner and I cannot...
  17. Javanya

    SR not working

    Hi, I've been using my switch usually only myself and hardly ever playing with someone else, but today I tried to play smash with brother and needed to press SR+SL. on right joy coin it worked fine while on the left one it didn't connect. I went to check buttons in settings and it turned out...
  18. Javanya

    Using EmuTool

    Hi, today I tried to use EmuTool and wanted to make sure I use things correctly. I use partition based atmosphere so cannot just copy files. My plan is to copy things from sd card to pc and then to new sd card. The thing which got me surprised is this screenshot: . I have two options to choose...
  19. Javanya

    Hacking Pc cannot red sd card

    Okay what about games? Because of the partitions They are stored somewhere else, how should I copy them to switch?
  20. Javanya

    Hacking Pc cannot red sd card

    But if I don't, that means that not all content from old sd card is moved to new sd card, those files can be crucial, can't they?
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