I don't like using the word "incompetence" because you don't know whether the team was being lazy or just wasn't given enough time to do their jobs properly but I agree with the point you're raising.
You've heard it before. The empire has fallen into poverty. What does a real Brit think of their country now and how it has changed over the last few decades?
Last time I was there, the only signs of poverty I saw myself were a homeless person sleeping in an abandoned building and far more...
Generally they're something I don't like but have learnt to live with. Sometimes they're something I wouldn't notice on my own and other times they're very clear and in my opinion the game should not have been released in such a state.
Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U has what is presumably a glitch...
Final Fantasy. I've tried quite a few of them but they're never all that fun to me. I finished a few of them then regretted the amount of time I spent playing a game I wasn't enjoying.
I love them but don't have enough time to get good enough to make progress in them.
As much as I love Zelda, I don't know when I'll get around to finishing Zelda II. I'll never play the CD-i games and probably won't finish the spin-offs. If different versions count then I still need to finish Link's Awakening on the GameBoy and a few others.
Retroarch on Horizon, Lakka, Ubuntu or another method? Currently I only use Retroarch because it's most convenient but apparently Ubuntu can run PS2 games at full speed.
I can hear music playing and the audio responds to my button presses but the screen is black except for the touch screen cursor. Has anyone else got this issue?