Search results

  1. 1

    Hacking NOOB PARADISE - ask away

    Hi, i currently have a hacked Wii and want to get my bought VC games transfered to the WiiU, but I dont want to upgrade the Wii to ruin my installed software. What's the best way to get access to the Shop Channel without updating my Wii so I can install the transfer software?
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    Hacking Need help with unknown card

    I checked that site, but there is only firmware 2.7e, I got 2.7d. This version wont give 3ds support. Can I install some other r4 rts firmware to get 3ds support somehow or is it just not possible with this card? @[member='tom10122']: As I said, the package says, but that site no...
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    Hacking Need help with unknown card

    Hello, after a long time and buying myself a 3ds XL a few weeks ago, I decided to check if my old flashcards work with it. I got some old DSTT which most likely wont work and I got a R4 SDHC. After booting it on my old DSlite I saw that it said DSi in the menu, so my guess was that it may work...
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    Hacking Getting the Wii back up working

    Hi there guys, I have my launchday-wii sitting around, not used for about a year. It has a Wiikey (first one) which always worked fine. Later I installed some stuff, got some cracked Wiiware running and installed some updates here and there. I really don't know what I did back then. The only...
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    Wii #1554 - PÃtanque Pro (France)

    Never saw something good in french.
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    Zognc v0.12

    The keys look a lot like the ones on the iPhone..
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    Hacking Please put "loader xxx" file into SD card

    Thanks. That's the right kernel It's hard to find the right one (and being too stupid to read the right domain on the cover of the package ~~ Thanks again!
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    Hacking Please put "loader xxx" file into SD card

    Hi there, I just got a new MicroSD card and thought to try out my new R4 SDHC card I won in the competion (at the moment I am using a DSTT Fake). I downloaded the newest firmware/kernel and formated the card (quick and normal). But everytime I want to load up the card, I get the error: "Please...
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    Gamezway Photo Snapping Competition! Win an R4i!

    GBAtemp is as awesome as playing A LOT of videogames AT THE SAME TIME!
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    Competition: Which Video Game Character Would Make the Best Father

    Banjo (from Banjo Kazooie). He can take care of Kazooie and carry her around all the time.. he would be a awesome father with a little baby in a front-bag. Of course he can't do any more games, but Nuts and Bolts wasnt that good
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    Kick Gaming site re-launch and contest!

    Since my old Flashcard (ncard) died .. or at least wont play most of the games, this comes in quiet good I hope I win one. I never won anything before..
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    GBAtemp Recommends! Kuru Kuru Kururin

    BEST. GAME. EVER. also my first GBA game
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    DS #3435: Hexe Lilli entdeckt Europa (Germany)

    These German marks on EVERY FUCKING GAME in germany. even if the game has not age-restrictions, it has to be 12cm² .. stupif idiots. That's why I only import games.. btw: English title: Witch Lilli discovers Europe
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    Hacking ok who actually plays all the games they downloaded?

    In order to play games for more then 10 minutes, they need to release good games first.
  16. 1

    DexterDS - Kanto Edition

    I also got 151 in red. good times traded a lot with friends and got the mew from one of these Nintendo tours where they transfer mew to your card.
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    BibleQuiz Wii

    Answer to every question: Bullshit, there is no god. Really stupid app ..
  18. 1

    Hacking How hard is it to open up the Wii?

    Take care with the cable that is connected to the dvd drive. Many people broke it.
  19. 1

    DS #2859: My Pet Dolphin 2 (Europe)

    There is no Z in the title. What happened? Is their keyboard broken?
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