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    Hacking Updates via games?

    i think the question was an update 'ingame', not when you insert disc ...
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    Hacking What are cIOS and IOS

    Because it means 'customized version of IOS36' Perhaps you could ask ... why do I install a custom IOS on my wii (say cIOS36) ? Because, when you create a software or a game for the wii, you have to specify what IOS version it will use. Now, say you wan't to create a software that read a...
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    Hacking What are cIOS and IOS

    except the latest System Menu 3.4 update installs an 'official' IOS254 !
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    Hacking What are cIOS and IOS

    low number are official IOSes see here High number are custom IOSes (patched official IOS for different purposes) like here
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    Hacking New #002 protection?

    Digest for a modded wii: If you've disabled disk updates (via starfall for exemple) or using Wii Update Manager (wum), you'll get error #002 If you install IOS55 only manually via wadmanager, it works fine. Am I right ?
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    Gaming Do you have your wii on its stand vertically or flat?

    disc reading error when standing vertically ... horizontal works great
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    Homebrew Homebrew Wishlist

    a TSE or VNC client
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    Hacking I already have installed StarFall, then...

    Starfall is patching the 3.2 system menu, which use IOS30.
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    Hacking Updating without removing trucha bug

    thanks, starfall and its anti-update feature is what I needed ...
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    Hacking Updating without removing trucha bug

    hello there ... I've a PAL WII with a V1 wiikey. I didn't do the following updates Released: 21st March 2008 IOS37 Released: 16th June 2008 System Menu 3.3 & Updated IOS30 and IOS31 Released: 23rd October 2008 IOS51 & Updated all IOSes except IOS30, IOS31 and IOS37 So i'm still with...
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    Gaming Anybody know more about this

    tried it in France already ... Didn't work as expected
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    Hacking All Bushing stuff goes here

    Is BUSHING clever ? Obviously yes ... Is BUSHING naive ? don't think so ... Is BUSHING greedy ? don't know ... So what's the deal -> patch your security hole AND let homebrew grow or ... What will be the answer -> IOS fixed and homebrew also blocked (what do you expect from a $50 billion worth...
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    Hacking Remove 001 error Mario Kart Wii

    wow THAT was a fast reply !!! (merci, hypra rapide :-) )
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    Hacking Remove 001 error Mario Kart Wii

    thanks a lot for the ppf ... Edit: uppit link is down ... please mirror it
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