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  1. C

    Hacking R4 can now use expansion pack for EZV

    I am using TR7... and forget about the slashes... it was a brainfart on my part, was just typing it out at work... As for other homebrew, the SNES emulator works just fine.
  2. C

    Hacking R4 can now use expansion pack for EZV

    Bad thing is, I'm about 3/4 of the way through Minish Cap and don't feel like experimenting and possibly losing my game
  3. C

    Hacking R4 can now use expansion pack for EZV

    I'm using the R4... I've flashed (and reflashed) a few different roms to the Slot 2, but no .ini file exists...
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    Hacking R4 can now use expansion pack for EZV

    I think I may be missing something, but saving doesn't work with copytest? I've tried the hitting B to save the SRAM, but can't find a save file within GBA/Save... am I doing something wrong? Is that saving SRAM doing something else entirely?
  5. C

    Hacking 2 GB MicroSD w/ R4DS

    Thanks for pointing that out... I had no idea it already existed... here's the link for future reference... Looks like the only confirmed one is the Patriot 2 GB.
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    Hacking 2 GB MicroSD w/ R4DS

    Yeah, I figured that was the case... but we should have one post to document all the information...
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    Hacking 2 GB MicroSD w/ R4DS

    Can anyone that has a 2 GB card confirm whether their particular brand works/does not work with the problematic roms such as PoR and that other game Tony Hawk(?)
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    Misc Final Fantasy 3 Mognet Codes

  9. C

    Hacking Slot-2 wanted, but which?

    Just curious as to why the supercard lite was crossed off the list? I read a review that said GBA games work?
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    Hacking R4 download play??

    Just did this this last weekend with NSMB... and it works great! (one DS and one DSL)
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    Gaming Final Fantasy 3 Dragon's Peak

    Just started today, and I'm at the part where Bahamut is supposed to come by and whisk you away... except, I can't seem to get it to happen?!? Is there something specific that I need to do? I looked in the walkthroughs to find out that I'm at the right location... but nothing... ---...
  12. C

    Homebrew most games don't load on my m3 microsd

    Just something to check... did you trim the games? Did you try the original files? I found out that the trimmer I was using was trimming too much and most of my games (some on your list) would boot up to the white screens.
  13. C

    Hacking Rominator for NDS

    I like this program… A LOT… Here’s a suggestion if you’re looking to add more features… how about having a backup system for the save files? And also, coming up with some way to associate the .sav files with the rom files. So, whenever I delete a rom from the flashcard (but not Rominator)...
  14. C

    Hacking Where to buy an R4 DS

    Is there anyway to get the black casing now? (I ordered from echostore, and although it's not here yet, I'm pretty sure it'll only have the white case)... should I just spray paint?
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