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  1. S

    Hardware New Wii DVD Drive Needed

    I've used this youtube video tutorial for opening up my wii the first time. It's really clear and to the point:
  2. S

    Hardware Wii BSOD, even with savemii

    Please!! I would really like to receive some help! I'm reading a lot of threads but I can't really figure out if my wii still has a chance on survival? Would buying an autobootchip be of any use? When booting my wii i hear the disc spinning for a moment...
  3. S

    Hardware Wii BSOD, even with savemii

    hello everyone, A while ago i tried installing a wad with HBC. He asked for a connection to the internet and i allowed it. Afterwards he sent me back to the home menu and the entire menu was placed upside down! So I rebooted the wii but guess what, nothing. Completely black screen. So i've...
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    BG2CNT @ BG2CNT: my rival is like practicing nantendo on gd, so whatever i got plenty of time to humilliate him