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  1. M

    Hacking Hard Drive kills Wii power

    On the PC? Used to be a computer hard drive in good working order. Don't have another case to try on the Wii though. I completely reformatted it in windows and then on WBFS. Unlikely any programs are still there.
  2. M

    Hacking Hard Drive kills Wii power

    I'm running a Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 internal hdd in a LaCie external case and after 20mins or so of play time it completely kills the power on the Wii. Always happens at around the same time length. The power light on the Wii is off (not even red as in standby) and won't power back on until I...
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    obviously i need to use it to finish the mod Anyways, I managed to finish complete guide mod with help, now HBC is upside down. Reinstalling it fixes it?
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    I managed to restore my NAND. Hope this helps others new to the Wii scene like myself. Be very careful, NEVER give up. HUGE thanks to ICPMATTJ. This guy deserves MR. HELPFUL trophy
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    UPDATE! Scrambled for another card and bingo, Wad Manager V1.4 comes up! Now what should I do? Also, the wiimote doesn't sync, do I proceed with a GC control?
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    I didn't get to installing preloader. It does flash twice after power-up. But nothing icpmattj asked me to do worked.
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    I'd try it but it's about 2 years old and out of warranty.
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    admin, feel free to close the thread.
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    I'd like to thank those with positive comments and specially icpmattj, the guy has tried to help as much as he could. Everyone else with nothing to do than troll forums with dumb childish comments, fix your guide or get a life.
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    I had sent him a PM message. I did try it but nothing is happening. XZXERO, I was using your guide and it is NOT perfect. Step 3 is not as I saw it on the screen and others had problems not seeing what u wrote too, so stop crapping.
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    For the record I'm no child, get it straight. I'm sure everyone had a misstep at some point. I'm here for help if any is available otherwise waste your insults somewhere else.
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    I thought I had to restart Wad Manager. Stupid mistake. So is sending it to Nintendo repair the only option. BTW it was a 3.4U Will.
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    Hacking Deleted System Menu! All lost??

    While following a guide to install System Menu NUS v449 with Wad Manager, I accidentally selected uninstall. Now (of course) it's bricked. Is the Recovery Menu deleted as well? I can't load the Recovery Menu by pressing all buttons on modified GC D-pad on port 4. Wii powers up and spins drive...
  14. M

    Tutorial Modify ANY Wii 4.3 & below

  15. M

    Tutorial Modify ANY Wii 4.3 & below

    Big Problem! New guy here. Was following the guide until Step 4 Run Wad Manager. By mistake I selected uninstall System Menu-Nus-v449. Now all I have is a black screen! So frustrated. I guess i totally bricked it. Any help? V3.4 Wii I guess Bootmii is on IOS because it didn't boot up after a...
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