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  1. DellStock

    Misc Rock Band 3 DLC problematic

    So we all know about the tutorial for Rock Band 3 to add DLC with wad2bin has this ever worked at all? I followed the instructions verbatim and i never been able to get them to show up at all, Im using a 2 gb SD FAT32, ios 58 cios 249. I tried many cios and nothing works. Any help or on why this...
  2. DellStock

    Homebrew Is it safe to go online yet?

    You wont get away with it cause your NAND is dirty. It isnt about reporting its about what Nintendo gets from your logs. You will get caught. Everybody has and will.
  3. DellStock

    Homebrew RELEASE StepMania 5.x Switch Port

    Most themes are laggy besides Simply Love.
  4. DellStock

    Hacking the scene has become stagnent something truly new needs to happen soon

    i really dont want to read any of this.
  5. DellStock

    Hacking Question How would i unhack my switch?

    Ah. Doesn't matter anyway. I got banned. oh well. LOL
  6. DellStock

    Hacking Nintendo Switch Banning Hub & Warning

    Can you use the eShop on the Switch? No i cannot. If you cannot access the eShop, when was the last time/date you were able to? Around August. Did you restore a clean hack-free NAND before going online? Y/N Nope. Do you get the error code 2181-4008 trying to update your games? Y/N Nope. Do...
  7. DellStock

    Hacking Question How would i unhack my switch?

    lol i did it and instantly got error code 2124-4517 rip.
  8. DellStock

    Hacking Nintendo Switch Banning Hub & Warning

    I think i am lol. Okay so i have the No_Gc = 0 line on my ini if i remove atmosphere, Can i still use my game carts that i still have?
  9. DellStock

    Hacking Nintendo Switch Banning Hub & Warning

    So since i cant use my game carts without the no gc am i safe to try to go to OFW?
  10. DellStock

    Hacking Question How would i unhack my switch?

    Are you sure? cause if i removed the No_GC line from the ini file i cant use the game cart and im on 9.1.0
  11. DellStock

    Hacking Nintendo Switch Banning Hub & Warning

    Idk if ill get banned when i unhack my switch since i dont have a NAND backup but i want to go back to OFW to play online, I updated using Choi to the latest update for the switch from like version 8.1.0 and since then i have to use NO_GC = 0 patch on atmosphere, If i do remove all CFW and any...
  12. DellStock

    Hacking Question How would i unhack my switch?

    What about No_GC? if i unhack the switch and turn off No_Gc (Since im on OFW) would that make the cart reader unable to be used? Thats what im worried about right now. I have games on cart and digital.
  13. DellStock

    Hacking Question How would i unhack my switch?

    I know but i updated using Choi and my Game cart reader isnt updated, so does that mean if i go back to OFW i cant use my Game carts cause i dont have the NO_GC patch?
  14. DellStock

    Hacking Question How would i unhack my switch?

    but what about the no_gc thing. i updated with choi
  15. DellStock

    Hacking Question How would i unhack my switch?

    I still would like to try so i can play online. i used both for CFW cause i didnt think i would need one for OFW and i made that mistake. I lost my NAND backup cause my hard drive is gone. I just want to make sure if its safe to use that Homebrew app even though i used Choidujor and it burnt a...
  16. DellStock

    Homebrew RELEASE Clean the Nand of the Nintendo Switch, Haku33 homebrew

    So like i want to unhack my switch. no Nand backup sadly. I use Auto_GC cause i used Choidujour to update my firmware a few times when they released and atmosphere is up to date with it. Am i screwed to use my game carts again?
  17. DellStock

    Hacking Question How would i unhack my switch?

    What about making sure that my GC is up to date so i can still use my game carts? thats what im worried about And there was a homebrew to clean out the nand, i cant find that. EDIT : THIS.
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