Tutorial  Updated

How to remove fake tickets from NSP file ("Standard crypto" equivalent) [Ban Risk Mitigation]

Hello everyone!

Since both Tinfoil and SX Installer now (finally) support Standard Crypto Conversion natively, the method described in this thread no longer serves any practical purpose.
The method is still fully functional (using Nut 1.2, as it was gutted of most of its features after that), so have a go at it for educational purposes if you desire to do so.

We had hell of a good run! This method was the gold standard of not getting your Switch banned after installing NSPs for more than a year.
But mainstream adoption has always been the desired outcome, and I'm proud to say it has been achieved!

Stay safe out there, block Big-N's telemetry servers on your router, and have a good time gaming!



Hello everyone!

It is widely thought that going online after installing a NSP with a fake ticket leads to an almost inevitable ban.

Some people have been bragging on the forum that they use a private method (using the SDK) to reencrypt the NSP file with "standard crypto" (like the XCI/cartridge games) instead of the "ticket rights" usually used for eShop titles.
Detailed below is a method to modify a NSP file by removing the fake title rights, rewriting the header to no longer use the ticket, and finally deleting the fake ticket, therefore leading to a theoretically reduced risk of ban, as your console will no longer have a fake ticket in its ticket blob and your installed eShop titles will no longer have a rights-ID that doesn't match your console ID. This method leads to the creation of a NSP file that is practically equivalent to one that as been repacked using "standard crypto" (which is a bit misleading in its own right as NSP files are not encrypted).


This method should be used in conjunction with other ban risk reduction methods, such as disabling telemetry (EU) / blocking the telemetry servers in your router hosts file (EU citizens should do BOTH), using a whitelist-based custom DNS/firewall configuration, using creport (for people not on SXOS) and/or using Stealth Mode (for people on SXOS, because we don't have access to creport... :()

This guide is based on the awesome script "nut" by Blawar!
Without him, this method would not exist!!

I added a guide on how to block the telemetry (and other harmful) servers in post #10 below!!

Game updates NSP files should NOT be processed using this method if you apply the update on a XCI game (cartridge dump)!
The tickets in an update are actually 100% legit and are neither console-specific or account-specific!

If you have processed the base game NSP file (using this method) on which you want to apply the update to, it is debatable if you should process the update as well or not.
The creator of CDNSP believes you should not, while I think it might raise some red flags if you install an update with tickets on a game for which there is no ticket in your console's ticket blob.
Please be aware of this information and proceed as you see fit.

Update (October 22, 2018) :

The script no longer works when applied to DLCs as of 6.0.1 (and probably 6.0.0)! It still works on base games though!!
This is due to the anti-piracy measures implemented by Big-N in this firmware version.

Since DLCs always come from the eShop, and therefore always come with a ticket, there is some kind of online check made when you try to run a game after installing a ticketless DLC for it.
Furthermore, it seems that the check is made using one of the few servers I actually whitelist (game update server maybe?).

I still have to try applying the script on an update to see if it works in this case. I will update you guys when I've done so.

Prerequisites :

- Download nut from github (https://github.com/blawar/nut/) by using the "Clone or download" green button and choosing "Download as ZIP". Extract the ZIP archive.

- LOOK AT THE REQUIREMENTS FOR NUT ON THE GITHUB PAGE. You need to have Python3 installed, then you use pip to install some modules :
pip3 install colorama pyopenssl requests tqdm unidecode image bs4 urllib3 flask pyqt5

In my case, I had to update pip before I could install the other modules :
py -m pip install --upgrade pip

If you try to run it and you get a Python error that's due to a missing module, it should display the name of the module in the error log on the command line interface window.
If the command line window shuts down before you can read, read the troubleshooting part below in red, it will help you reading the error message.
Just run "pip3 install MODULE_NAME" as you did with the other modules above.

Configure your nut.conf (in the "conf" folder). In my case, I just disabled (set to false) the first four settings of the "download" section of "nut.default.conf".

- A copy of your Switch keys. If you don't have them, you need to find them on your own on the interwebs or extract them from your console. There are guides for that. The file must be named "keys.txt" and be located in the (incredibly funny default-named) "nut-master" folder you extracted from the ZIP.

- A game in the NSP file format. Place it in the nut-master folder. The file can be a scene release or a game obtained from the CDN. You CAN use nut to download games from the CDN, but I personally don't know how and this is not a "CDN download tutorial".

- Hactool should be updated to the latest release (1.2.0) in the bin subfolder of nut-master in order to support NSP packages containing > 15 files!

Code updated: October 16, 2018.
Confirmed working with firmwares up to 6.2.0 (on any CFW that supports installing unsigned NSPs)!!

You still need the prerequisites listed above though. There's no way around that! ;)

Your .NSP must be located in the nut-master folder AND must contain the TitleID in the filename so nut can use it to rewrite the header of the .NCA!!

Well, the code just got a fair bit prettier thanks to
Bigjokker with two simple but brilliant variable changes!
Now, after placing the .NSP and the batch file in the nut-master folder, just drag & drop the .NSP onto the batch file and voilà, it does its magic!!

You should see the ASCII squirrel a total of three times in the command line window, but it does not necessarily mean it worked if you see this!
In your nut-master folder, a folder with the same name as your NSP will be created, the NSP will be deleted and a new NSP will be created (about 2.5 kilobytes smaller than the original, compare with a backup of the original!!).

If the behavior of the script is any different, IT DIDN'T WORK!!

Even if all of the above is true, it might not have worked!! If the first part fails, you will still have a modified NSP 2.5 kilobytes smaller than the original (but it will crash at launch and send a dirty error log to Big-N)!

You can verify if it works by removing the "REM " at the three instances where there is a "REM pause" in the code, so it says "pause" instead.

By doing this, the script will pause after every step (prompting you to press a key to continue) so you can see if there was a nut / Python3 / Windows CLI related error!
You can also remove the @Echo off if you're having issues but the script doesn't show any error to make troubleshooting easier for us.

If everything works as it should, you can revert back the script to its original form to re-automate the three steps together.

@echo off
SET "nutpy=%~dp0"
SET "filenam=%~n1"
if EXIST "%nutpy%%filenam%\" rmdir /s /q "%nutpy%%filenam%"
if NOT EXIST "%nutpy%backup\" mkdir "%nutpy%backup"
if NOT EXIST "%nutpy%backup\%filenam%.nsp" copy /v "%nutpy%%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%backup\%filenam%.nsp"
cd /d "C:\Windows"
py.exe "%nutpy%nut.py" --remove-title-rights "%filenam%.nsp"
REM pause
py.exe "%nutpy%nut.py" -x "%filenam%.nsp"
REM pause
cd /d "%nutpy%%filenam%"
del *.tik
del *.cert
cd /d "%nutpy%"
del "%filenam%.nsp"
cd /d "%nutpy%%filenam%"
set /a n=0
for %%i in (*) do (
    set /a n=n+1
    set files!n!=%%i
if !n! == 2 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%"
if !n! == 3 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%"
if !n! == 4 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%"
if !n! == 5 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%"
if !n! == 6 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%"
if !n! == 7 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%"
if !n! == 8 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%"
if !n! == 9 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%"
if !n! == 10 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%"
if !n! == 11 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%"
if !n! == 12 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%"
if !n! == 13 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%"
if !n! == 14 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%"
if !n! == 15 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%"
if !n! == 16 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%"
if !n! == 17 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%"
if !n! == 18 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files18%"
if !n! == 19 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files18%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files19%"
if !n! == 20 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files18%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files19%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files20%"
if !n! == 21 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files18%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files19%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files20%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files21%"
if !n! == 22 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files18%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files19%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files20%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files21%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files22%"
if !n! == 23 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files18%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files19%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files20%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files21%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files22%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files23%"
if !n! == 24 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files18%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files19%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files20%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files21%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files22%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files23%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files24%"
if !n! == 25 (
    "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%nutpy%nut.py" -c "%filenam%.nsp" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files1%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files2%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files3%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files4%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files5%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files6%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files7%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files8%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files9%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files10%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files11%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files12%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files13%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files14%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files15%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files16%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files17%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files18%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files19%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files20%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files21%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files22%"  "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files23%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files24%" "%nutpy%%filenam%\%files25%"
REM pause

Troubleshooting script :

If you're having issues and want our help, run the following script on your NSP BEFORE AND AFTER running the method described above and provide us with the information this script displays.

@echo off
SET "nutpy=%~dp0"
SET "filenam=%~n1"
py.exe "%nutpy%nut.py" -i "%filenam%.nsp"

Batch processing :

If you have a bunch of NSP files in a folder and some of them don't have the TitleKey in the filename, I understand that it would be a pain to process them one by one using the batch file (even though it takes only 2 seconds per file).

If you are in this situation, @Bigjokker has made another batch file that will process every NSP in a folder, even if the TitleKey is not in the filename!!

The code of his batch file is a bit above my skill level, so I cannot vouch 100% for it (since I understand about 85% of it), but the code looks fine and I trust the guy.
For the same reason, I cannot troubleshoot your issues and modify the code accordingly, so if you use his batch processing batch file (it might not be the most elegant way to call it, but it is what it is! :lol:), you'll have to see with him if you have problems with it.
You might want to test your setup of Python3 and nut with my batch file first (to see if everything works properly) since it has been tested by more people since its release and then switch to @Bigjokker 's batch file if all goes well.

Here'a a link to his post where you can download his file!

Manual Method :

No longer kept up to date, but it should still work if you don't want to use the above script for whatever reason.

- Copy your NSP file in the "nut-master" folder.

- (OPTIONAL) Use the following command to pull the info of your NSP file. This is not required as it's only used to compare your file before and after the two "main steps" of this method.
nut.py -i "YOUR_GAME [TITLEKEY][vX].nsp"
In my case, on Windows 10, I had to use the following command to access nut.py using python. So, if you have problems getting nut.py to run, try this for each and every command in this guide :
python "C:\WHERE_YOU_EXTRACTED\nut-master\nut.py" -i "YOUR_GAME [TITLEKEY][vX].nsp"

In the info dump provided by nut, you can see a ticket file (in which the rightsId is not related to your console-id), a few NCA files, a CERT file and a XML file.
If you install the NSP as is, this ticket gets imported in your console's ticket blob and when it sends its telemetry to Big-N, you get banned!!
The "main NCA file" (the one with the largest file size, AKA "the game") also has a rightsId which doesn't match your console, which could also lead to a ban if you launch the game and then connect to the internet.
You can see that the smaller NCA files have their rightsID set to 0, as they are "unprotected" because they are not important enough to protect.

- Run the following command to set the value of these rightsId to 0.
nut.py --remove-title-rights "YOUR_GAME [TITLEKEY][vX].nsp"

- (OPTIONAL) Then, if you run the "info" command again, you should see that the ticket is still there, but the instances where you had fake rightsId are set to 0 (as they are in the other NCA files, so it should theoretically be considered "unprotected" by the console).

- Now we need to remove this evil ticket to prevent it from being imported in our precious ticket blob. Let's start by unpacking the NSP.
nut.py -x "YOUR_GAME [TITLEKEY][vX].nsp"

A folder is then created with all the files of the NSP inside.


- Navigate to that folder, and delete the ticket file "WHATEVER.TIK".

- Then, we repack the NSP without this ticket :
nut.py -c "YOUR_GAME [TITLEKEY][vX].nsp" "C:\WHERE_YOU_EXTRACTED\nut-master\YOUR_GAME [TITLEKEY][vX]\*.*"

For some reason, in my case, this command didn't work. It seems that, in some instances on Windows, Python3 shits the bed when using wildcards. But for Blawar, also on Windows 10, it works perfectly. Go figure.

If this happens to you, use the following command instead (it's incredibly long and tedious to input, but I didn't find another way to make it work) :


- There you go, it's done. You can run the "info" command again and you should see that the ticket (along with the rightsID) is no more.
The final file size should be about 768 bytes smaller than the initial file size.

This has been tested with SXOS and it works flawlessly. The games install and run just fine.
You also need to follow the same procedure for the NSP updates you want to install.

Thanks again Blawar for your incredible tool and all the help you gave me!!
Last edited by PsychOsmosis,


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
A little quote from the creator of CDNSP about this method!! :D
Honestly, I approve of MasterKey encrypted games. It prevents an entry in your titles DB and if you decide to install the game legit you can without issues.
Eventually if Nintendo does query your tickets the forged ones will get flagged, but MasterKey installed content don't have tickets so...

Right this instant, there doesn't seem to be a difference as Nintendo doesn't verify your ticket server side yet, but it could help in the future.
And at the rate Big-N is implementing anti-piracy checks on the console, I do believe they will soon start verifying your console's ticket blob!
Plus, with the sheer number of people having been banned with NSP games installed on their console, there might be some kind of check already in place if you go on the eShop or try doing some other things online (without disabling telemetry at least, but even that they might get clever and add checks from the other servers)!
Last edited by PsychOsmosis,


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2016
Thankyou for this. I successfully removed the fake tik on some of my nsps and installed them without a problem. But how risky it is to update these nsps online via OFW?

Also, do you suggest deleting the tik from a game update .nsp?
Last edited by Khim09,


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
Thankyou for this. I successfully removed the fake tik on some of my nsps and installed them without a problem. But how risky it is to update these nsps online via OFW?

Also, do you suggest deleting the tik from a game update .nsp?

I was updating the games with CFW without problem for 2 weeks. When I accidentally boot on OFW, ban! Idk if the reason was I use OFW or because I use boot Linux while before, but that's what happened. So far update using this method on CFW is safe, but it's your risk.
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
United States
Hello all, i'm not sure whats going on here, my nsp is sitting right there. Please assist, thank you



  • switcherror2.PNG
    21.4 KB · Views: 193


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
Thankyou for this. I successfully removed the fake tik on some of my nsps and installed them without a problem. But how risky it is to update these nsps online via OFW?

Also, do you suggest deleting the tik from a game update .nsp?

You should definitely NOT update them online via OFW. Use update NSPs to update.
You can see what I wrote on the OP about deleting the ticket from game updates.

If you have strong measures in plance to prevent a ban such as blocking the telemetry servers, I think you can delete them without any issue. It might be better this way in the long run (if Big-N continues to implement new piracy checks), or it might be worse.
Otherwise, you should probably not remove the ticket as it's 100% legal and you should be safer during the install process, as installing an update without a ticket if telemetry is still enabled is probably a bad idea!

Hello all, i'm not sure whats going on here, my nsp is sitting right there. Please assist, thank you

You need to drag & drop the NSP file onto the BAT file, that's why it's not working. You seem to be double-clicking on it instead of drag & dropping.
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
United States
You should definitely NOT update them online via OFW. Use update NSPs to update.
You can see what I wrote on the OP about deleting the ticket from game updates.

If you have strong measures in plance to prevent a ban such as blocking the telemetry servers, I think you can delete them without any issue. It might be better this way in the long run (if Big-N continues to implement new piracy checks), or it might be worse.
Otherwise, you should probably not remove the ticket as it's 100% legal and you should be safer during the install process, as installing an update without a ticket if telemetry is still enabled is probably a bad idea!

You need to drag & drop the NSP file onto the BAT file, that's why it's not working. You seem to be double-clicking on it instead of drag & dropping.

thanks again


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2016
Otherwise, you should probably not remove the ticket as it's 100% legal and you should be safer during the install process, as installing an update without a ticket if telemetry is still enabled is probably a bad idea!
So you are saying that if telemetry is enabled, I must not delete the tik/cert of an update correct? Thankyou.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
So you are saying that if telemetry is enabled, I must not delete the tik/cert of an update correct? Thankyou.

Well, I'm saying (in big bold letters in the OP) that the most important thing you should do to prevent bans is to block the telemetry servers (link in my signature on how to do this, there are multiple ways and one is quite easy if your router interface support it).
This way your console sends like 95% less incriminating information to Big-N.

But yeah, if you don't block them, the safest course of action would be NOT to delete the ticket/cert of a game update NSP as those are 100% legit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2016
Well, I'm saying (in big bold letters in the OP) that the most important thing you should do to prevent bans is to block the telemetry servers (link in my signature on how to do this, there are multiple ways and one is quite easy if your router interface support it).
This way your console sends like 95% less incriminating information to Big-N.

But yeah, if you don't block them, the safest course of action would be NOT to delete the ticket/cert of a game update NSP as those are 100% legit.

Thank you, because I wanna try playing multiplayer online on MK8 with deleted tik/cert. will also try to update the game online via OFW. I really don't care now if I'll be banned. I will be your 2nd tester, I should be careful not to run a .nsp game on OFW like @suzsuzuki did, as the error log will send to Ninety and ban me.

Edit: Btw, my router doesn't have host file but url filter is present. Can I block the telemetry servers using the url filter?

Edit2: All telemetry and game cert server has been blocked. Tested ping and resulted with unknown host. I am now good to go online and update all my nsp tikless/certless on OFW. I'll update every week if I am already banned or not (yet).
Last edited by Khim09,
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
New version of the batch script in the OP!!

- Automatically deletes the NSP decryption folder (if present from an earlier attempt) before proceeding, so you don't have to delete it manually if the process didn't work for whatever reason and you need to do it again!
- Automatically backs up the unmodified NSP to the "backup" folder (located in your nut-master folder), so if the process didn't work but the NSP got repacked anyway and you didn't backup your NSP beforehand, you can try it again using the backed up file!
- Edited the code to remove a syntax error that was present over 350 times in the script. It didn't prevent the script from doing its job, but it's better to correct it to prevent future problems from arising!


Thank you, because I wanna try playing multiplayer online on MK8 with deleted tik/cert. will also try to update the game online via OFW. I really don't care now if I'll be banned. I will be your 2nd tester, I should be careful not to run a .nsp game on OFW like @suzsuzuki did, as the error log will send to Ninety and ban me.

Edit: Btw, my router doesn't have host file but url filter is present. Can I block the telemetry servers using the url filter?

Edit2: All telemetry and game cert server has been blocked. Tested ping and resulted with unknown host. I am now good to go online and update all my nsp tikless/certless on OFW. I'll update every week if I am already banned or not (yet).

I will tell you what I told @suzsuzuki , it's almost certain that Big-N has a check in place for your ticket / cartridge certificate when you connect to the online play server, regardless of the fact you blocked the telemetry servers.
Try it if you want, but you will most likely end up banned. If you want to proceed anyway, thanks for trying it out with the minuscule hope that no check is in place (yet) and that masterkey encrypted titles just work online.
Last edited by PsychOsmosis,


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2016
I will tell you what I told @suzsuzuki , it's almost certain that Big-N has a check in place for your ticket / cartridge certificate when you connect to the online play server, regardless of the fact you blocked the telemetry servers.
Try it if you want, but you will most likely end up banned. If you want to proceed anyway, thanks for trying it out with the minuscule hope that no check is in place (yet) and that masterkey encrypted titles just work online.

Thanks for the new batch script. Btw I haven't tried online multiplayer yet, I only want to update my .nsp tikless/certless on OFW online. Not ban (yet) so far. All I did was update all my games on OFW > deleted wifi and turn on airplane before booting CFW. Boot to OFW I want to play Fortnite or Paladins online.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
Thanks for the new batch script. Btw I haven't tried online multiplayer yet, I only want to update my .nsp tikless/certless on OFW online. Not ban (yet) so far. All I did was update all my games on OFW > deleted wifi and turn on airplane before booting CFW. Boot to OFW I want to play Fortnite or Paladins online.

Well, you're free to do what you want with your hardware, but it's still almost as risky as playing the game online, because when you query yourself one of their servers, the server is then free to ask your console for whatever information they want it to ask.
Your only hope is that they don't query for the ticket. We know they don't ask for the cert if you update a cartridge game (at least if it's not inserted in the console) such as with XCI titles, but NSPs are eShop titles, and those always come with a ticket when obtained legally.

It's more likely to go under the radar with MasterKey encryption compared to a forged ticket, but nonetheless, let's hope their game update server is (and stays) as dumb as their consoles are! ;)
Last edited by PsychOsmosis,
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Reactions: Khim09


The Patient One
May 5, 2016
This is not working for me, I mean, yeah the script does works and I also removed all three REMs to see if errors will show. But although no errors appeared, the games still closes at launch. I tried installing via tinfoil and dOPUS, same result.
Last edited by annson24,


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
This is not working for me, I mean, yeah the script does works and I also removed all three REMs to see if errors will show. But although no errors appeared, the games still closes at launch. I tried installing via tinfoil and dOPUS, same result.

What CFW are you using? What is its version number?
Which firmware is your Switch at? It's probable that 6.0.0/6.0.1 causes problems with this method as this update implemented piracy countermeasures.
Personally, I stick to 5.1.0 for my hacked Switch and it works flawlessly with SXOS 1.9. I'm gonna try out SXOS 2.0.1/2.1 later today but it shouldn't cause any issue. (Edit: SXOS 2.0.1 indeed works just fine!)

Edit: If you're on 5.1.0, as your signature seems to suggest, could you also remove the @Echo off (along with the three REMs) and copy-paste the content of the command line window?
If you have folder names with personal information, take care to change them before posting!

Edit2: I also added to the OP a small troubleshooting script I've been using recently. Please provide us with the information for your NSP before and after running the method!
Last edited by PsychOsmosis,


The Patient One
May 5, 2016
What CFW are you using? What is its version number?
Which firmware is your Switch at? It's probable that 6.0.0/6.0.1 causes problems with this method as this update implemented piracy countermeasures.
Personally, I stick to 5.1.0 for my hacked Switch and it works flawlessly with SXOS 1.9. I'm gonna try out SXOS 2.0.1/2.1 later today but it shouldn't cause any issue.

Edit: If you're on 5.1.0, as your signature seems to suggest, could you also remove the @Echo off (along with the three REMs) and copy-paste the content of the command line window?
If you have folder names with personal information, take care to change them before posting!

Edit2: I also added to the OP a small troubleshooting script I've been using recently. Please provide us with the information for your NSP before and after running the method!

Here's the log:
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master>SET "nutpy=C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\"
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master>SET "filenam=10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]"
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master>if EXIST "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]"
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master>if NOT EXIST "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\backup\" mkdir "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\backup"
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master>if NOT EXIST "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\backup\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" copy /v "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\backup\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp"
1 file(s) copied.
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master>cd /d "C:\Windows"
C:\Windows>py.exe "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" --remove-title-rights "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp"
.=', ;:;;:,
/_', "=. ';:;:;
@=:__, \,;:;:'
_(\.= ;:;;'
`"_( _/="`
rightsId = 0x1004d10079260000000000000000004
titleKeyDec = b'3b753225cf6ff85eed2897c17181d85d'
masterKeyRev = 0x4
writing masterKeyRev for 70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca, 4
35 7B 12 29 98 C8 46 3B 5B 6B 14 93 CE 81 2D E0 | 5{.)..F;[k....-. |
35 7B 12 29 98 C8 46 3B 5B 6B 14 93 CE 81 2D E0 | 5{.)..F;[k....-. |
35 7B 12 29 98 C8 46 3B 5B 6B 14 93 CE 81 2D E0 | 5{.)..F;[k....-. |
35 7B 12 29 98 C8 46 3B 5B 6B 14 93 CE 81 2D E0 | 5{.)..F;[k....-. |
Press any key to continue . . .
C:\Windows>py.exe "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -x "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp"
.=', ;:;;:,
/_', "=. ';:;:;
@=:__, \,;:;:'
_(\.= ;:;;'
`"_( _/="`
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\01004d10079260000000000000000004.cert
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\01004d10079260000000000000000004.tik
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca
Press any key to continue . . .
C:\Windows>cd /d "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]"
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>del *.tik
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>del *.cert
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>cd /d "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\"
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master>del "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp"
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master>cd /d "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]"
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>set /a n=0
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>for %i in (*) do (
set /a n=n+1
set files!n!=%i
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>(
set /a n=n+1
set files!n!=70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>(
set /a n=n+1
set files!n!=8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>(
set /a n=n+1
set files!n!=a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>(
set /a n=n+1
set files!n!=a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>(
set /a n=n+1
set files!n!=f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 3 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 4 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 5 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" )
.=', ;:;;:,
/_', "=. ';:;:;
@=:__, \,;:;:'
_(\.= ;:;;'
`"_( _/="`
creating 10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp
Repacking to NSP...
Writing header...
Appending 70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca...
Appending 8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml...
Appending a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca...
Appending a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca...
Appending f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca...
Repacked to 10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp!
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 6 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 7 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 8 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 9 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 10 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 11 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 12 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 13 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 14 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 15 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 16 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 17 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 18 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 19 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 20 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 21 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 22 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 23 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 24 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>if !n! == 25 ("C:\Windows\py.exe" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\nut.py" -c "10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0].nsp" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\70fbcf1e726435711f19d38574892c12.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.xml" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a8e8304628d1485438d3521b13731e31.cnmt.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\a973151d4537264991df206d3cfe6425.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\f23efe797dd586da7c677d9a495737ee.nca" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" "C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]\" )
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>endlocal
C:\Users\XXXX XXXX\Documents\GitHub\nut-master\10 Second Run RETURNS [01004d1007926000][v0]>pause

And attached are the troubleshooting log.


  • after.txt
    5.2 KB · Views: 123
  • before.txt
    6 KB · Views: 167


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
Here's the log:

And attached are the troubleshooting log.

The script works as intended. If you're indeed on 5.1.0, the problem is that the CFW you use doesn't support modified NSPs.
SXOS does, as does ReiNX as of the latest version, but it seems you're using straight up Atmosphere as I can see in your signature?

If so, the devs of Atmosphere are notoriously anti-piracy if I remember correctly, so it explains why it would not support modified NSPs.
If you want to use modified NSPs, you'll either have to go for a modified version of Atmosphere, or find the bit of code they added to support them in ReiNX's latest version and add it yourself to your Atmosphere build.


The Patient One
May 5, 2016
The script works as intended. If you're indeed on 5.1.0, the problem is that the CFW you use doesn't support modified NSPs.
SXOS does, as does ReiNX as of the latest version, but it seems you're using straight up Atmosphere as I can see in your signature?

If so, the devs of Atmosphere are notoriously anti-piracy if I remember correctly, so it explains why it would not support modified NSPs.
If you want to use modified NSPs, you'll either have to go for a modified version of Atmosphere, or find the bit of code they added to support them in ReiNX's latest version and add it yourself to your Atmosphere build.
Really odd because I'm using tumger's modified atmosphere. I can also run ticketless nsp's downloaded straight from jj's discord server. On top of that, I can also run XCI converted to NSP (also ticketless) and custom nsp's.
Last edited by annson24,


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
Really odd because I'm using tumger's modified atmosphere. I can also run ticketless nsp's downloaded straight from jj's discord server. On top of that, I can also run XCI converted to NSP (also ticketless) and custom nsp's.

Huh.. That's really weird then. Are you sure you have the correct keys in your keys.txt file? If so, I'm at a loss.

I don't know much about the other ticketless methods out there. Do they use the same method (masterkey reencryption) or do they do something entirely different?
It might have to do with how they get installed on your console, but you said you tried two methods so... I don't know really. Sorry.
Last edited by PsychOsmosis,


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
So 3 questions:

How can I clean up my ticket blob if I already installed a few fake tickets?

Why aren't all nsps on that ISO side already master key encrypted?

How can I check if an nsp is already master key encrypted?


The Patient One
May 5, 2016
Huh.. That's really weird then. Are you sure you have the correct keys in your keys.txt file? If so, I'm at a loss.

I don't know much about the other ticketless methods out there. Do they use the same method (masterkey reencryption) or do they do something entirely different?
It might have to do with how they get installed on your console, but you said you tried two methods so... I don't know really. Sorry.
Tried keys floating around the net, didn't work. Tried dumping my own keys using kezples, didn't work. Tried setting up python and everything in another PC to see if my laptop was the problem, still the same. Lastly, I tried different scripts, I even found a batch file that I think was derived from your script (I think it was NUT_BATCH_CLEANER or something), same result. Running out of ideas here. But for the meantime what I'm doing instead is I'm just redownloading the games in XCI format and converting them into ticketless NSPs but for the DLCs I got nothing. :sad:

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Last edited by annson24,

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