PlayStation doubles price of Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4 following upgrade announcement


If you tuned into the State of Play broadcast and were interested in playing the remastered release of Horizon Zero Dawn, you would have seen that you could purchase the PlayStation 4 version of the game, and then upgraded to the PlayStation 5 release for $10. Directly following that reveal, PlayStation seems to have actually increased the price of Horizon Zero Dawn for PS4, making upgrades more expensive than they were just a few days ago.

In the UK, Horizon Zero Dawn's PS4 version was listed for £15.99 until the date of the State of Play showcase, to which it shot up to £34.99. These price changes can be tracked using, which shows price increases in all regions for the game. In the US, Horizon Zero Dawn was available for $19.99 for well over a year, until it rose to $39.99 as of yesterday.

US chart.png

The remaster is priced at $49.99, making it the same price as buying the original game and upgrading, now, instead of offering a deal like it was merely two days ago. PlayStation did not officially announce anything regarding a price increase.

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
This is whats killing gaming, too many idiots these days begging for fucking remasters all the time.

Like what the fuck, the PS4 isn't even dead yet and we are seeing fucking remasters.

And these so called digital upgrades are just another means to push console gaming more to digital only.

Another thing that's annoying with idiots these days, always crying out for fucking PRO models..... fucking give it a rest will you.

Stop giving them more excuses to lazily cash grab anything they can, let a console live out its life and move on.

These PRO models are useless, they offer next to fuck all due to the fact games will still have to support its base model, so your never going to get anything to justify the cost of buying another bs console.

Then the fact said game on its disc will be base version and as if its not bad enough having to download hundreds of GBs just to play a basic game, these so called PRO ENHANCEMENTS likely offer minimal yet likely 2x the data that will now have to be downloaded.

I'd rather have the console live out its life and then actually get something next gen thats an actual improvement over the last gen.

Not like what we had this gen with all this hype about Ray tracing and 4k resolutions, yet it cripples your system where it cant do it without sacrificing the other.

4k resolutions but at a low frame rate, Ray tracing but at a low resolution and/or frame rate.

Next gen consoles used to actually push boundaries, not rehash the same shit, but why, because idiots keep screaming for the same shit over and over.


Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
Their arrogance will be their downfall.
No, it won't. You kidding me? Sony fanboys are worse than Nintendo's camp when it comes to shoveling money toward incompetence. People actually bought the Portal ffs.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2021
United States
This is whats killing gaming, too many idiots these days begging for fucking remasters all the time.

Like what the fuck, the PS4 isn't even dead yet and we are seeing fucking remasters.

And these so called digital upgrades are just another means to push console gaming more to digital only.

Another thing that's annoying with idiots these days, always crying out for fucking PRO models..... fucking give it a rest will you.

Stop giving them more excuses to lazily cash grab anything they can, let a console live out its life and move on.

These PRO models are useless, they offer next to fuck all due to the fact games will still have to support its base model, so your never going to get anything to justify the cost of buying another bs console.

Then the fact said game on its disc will be base version and as if its not bad enough having to download hundreds of GBs just to play a basic game, these so called PRO ENHANCEMENTS likely offer minimal yet likely 2x the data that will now have to be downloaded.

I'd rather have the console live out its life and then actually get something next gen thats an actual improvement over the last gen.

Not like what we had this gen with all this hype about Ray tracing and 4k resolutions, yet it cripples your system where it cant do it without sacrificing the other.

4k resolutions but at a low frame rate, Ray tracing but at a low resolution and/or frame rate.

Next gen consoles used to actually push boundaries, not rehash the same shit, but why, because idiots keep screaming for the same shit over and over.

I saw on IGN in the comments secretion several people saying State of Play was a good show, specifically because of Horizon Zero Dawn remaster. I was like uuhhhh it's the same f'n game that's ALREADY PLAYABLE ON PS5 JUST WITH A LITTLE BETTER RESOLUTION, BE F'N SERIOUS. Maybe if there wasn't backwards compatibility I would understand but there is.

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