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FPSLocker - set custom FPS target in retail games

An overlay that with SaltyNX 0.8.0+ allows to set custom LCD refresh rate and FPS in Nintendo Switch retail games.

Disclaimer: Tool is utilizing detection of graphics API to manipulate FPS. It supports special patches that are helping with going above 30 FPS in games using proprietary FPS locks.

You can see here how it works (I was utilizing Witcher 3 dynamic resolution config mod to make anything above 30 FPS available):

More in README (I recommend to read it + also SaltyNX readme if you don't know how it works)
Repo: https://github.com/masagrator/FPSLocker
Releases: https://github.com/masagrator/FPSLocker/releases
Patches: https://github.com/masagrator/FPSLocker-Warehouse
Last edited by masagrator,


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2022
Don't sleep on the refresh rate change - honestly this a huge deal. So many games on Erista at 1020/537/1996 on battery (with undervolt + tightened ram timings) you can get a beautiful 40fps at 40hz and it is so much smoother than 30fps as 40fps is frametime halfway between 30 and 60fps. So you are getting 50% more smoothness for a 33% performance cost.

On Mariko (besides OLEDs lol) in handheld (1963/998/2400 on battery with undervolt and tightened ram timings) I want to play handheld at 60fps at 720p without dropping res but now I can drop framerate to 40 or 45fps and get a beautiful image with docked resolution (I.e. things like Hogwarts Legacy, Lego 2K Drive, Princess Peach Showtime, Crash N Sane Trilogy, Sonic Frontiers). Now we can really get best of both worlds. 45fps looks scarily close to 60fps now.

As a bonus this also fixes some questionably programmed Unity games from stuttering if you set Hz to 50 (Pac-Man World Repac and Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble) because they both update their camera internally at 50fps instead of 60fps. 50fps on 60hz looks awful but 50fps on 50hz looks great. This might benefit more Unity games as well (tell me and no it doesn't fix Final Fantasy Stutter Remasters)

And the cherry on top is that this heavily benefits double buffer games (i.e. Can't maintain 60fps drops to 30fps now turns into can't maintain 45fps drops to 22.5fps. Helps stuff like Xenoblade series get 60FPS.)

Thanks for masagrator for letting me test this and the rest of the 60FPS discord. He went to a lot of trouble to update a whole bunch of patches to fix issues. I am amazed by how much Switch Homebrew keeps evolving and don't even know what's left at this point.

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