@mthrnite, I had some idiot psychiatrist prescribe me pretty heavy medications when I totally didn't mean them lol, did not kill them but it did completely destabilize my own person (which is pretty rough at 12)
@Xdqwerty, Honestly fuck 'em (people that were angry at you), it sounds kinda harsh and I do kinda get when they came from but letting people influence you this much ain't worth it
@Xdqwerty, Then if you truly want to change then thinking about dumb stuff people say isn't really going to help you feel better. The change comes when you find the will to change yourself, and that's something only you can do
That doesn't mean you listen to everyone's feedback at heart especially on the internet imagine youtube creators if they responded to every bad comment they'd get even more hate for it
@Xdqwerty, Feedback is really important. Getting stuck in your own thoughts too much is unhealthy too. There's a limit though imho. Feedback should be something healthy, if it's giving more harm than good than you should tone down how much you think about other people
@mthrnite, Damn, sorry you went through all this. I'm glad I at least had my mother supporting me, so there's that. As long as it helped you feel better who cares lol
@Xdqwerty, I know those are just words and I know how useless those are unfortunately. What changed things for me is realizing that I didn't want to suffer anymore. I usually don't like giving advice like this because I don't wanna sound like one of those judgemental people that spout random stuff, and I know I'm sounding like one so least I can say is sorry lol
@mthrnite, Yeah, agree. Just because you were dealt a bad hand it doesn't mean that you will still be stuck with that. It absolutely is not easy lol but with a lot, a loot of grinding it can be done imho
@mthrnite, Yeah, agree. Just because you were dealt a bad hand it doesn't mean that you will...