Anyway I never got into Sonic unfortunately, not because I don't like it (I do), idk there's probably no reason I guess. I'd like to play Sonic 1 in the future to catch up a bit
@_Ruri_, it actually premiered but it hadnt been rereleased since then, gonna show you the first 16 minutes cuz thats the only thing we have avaliable from it aside from some trailers and concept art and an animation test
@_Ruri_, theres no dialogue btw and there are some differences with the manga and the 2012 anime but you might still understand it since i'm sure you are familiar with phantom blood's plot
@_Ruri_, quoting the Lost media wiki: A workprint of the film's first 16 minutes with music only, provided by the film's composer, were used as course material for sound design projects at the Academy of Art University at some point, with one student uploading his assignment to YouTube in 2012, making a significant portion of the film viewable to the public once more.