There are a few people here on the temp that I got along really well a few years ago, unfortunately, I lost contact with most of them, probably my fault since I just stopped visiting the temp altogether.
@Skelletonike, Imho it's because you grew up with the older internet when trolls and things like this used to be waay more common so you were kinda forced to grow some skin or gtfo lol, also yeah age too.
@Skelletonike, Yeah, it definitely did. Goes for everything imho, when times are harder or more crude you're forced to adapt, while in more peaceful times everything is easier so you don't need to grow skin and adapt.
@Skelletonike, Such soothing sound my first internet experience was with copper ADSL so I didn't live the dial-up times but connection was so ass that any time somebody answered the phone the connection still dropped out lmao so at least I can relate on that