I think EA is trolling me. Few weeks ago they give me free FC soccer game. (I hate soccer) Then few days ago I signed up to be a Battlefield 6 beta tester. Today they sent me an invite to beta test a new FC soccer game mode. Fuckers.
@Xdqwerty, Yeah, I get it. Anime are kinda frown upon everywhere, unless you're into things like One Piece, Dragon Ball, etc., and even there it's kinda hit and miss
@_Ruri_, Animes I have watched/been watching are Fullmetal alchemist, Fullmetal alchemist Brotherhood, serial experiments lain, og Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball daima, My hero academia and black clover and one piece
@Xdqwerty, I love Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Black Clover! Haven't watched One Piece or Serial Experiments Lain, although I'll probably watch Lain in the future since it looks my kinda shit. My Hero Academia was one of my first anime and well everyone and their grandmas watched Dragon Ball lol
@Xdqwerty, I love Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Black Clover! Haven't watched One Piece or...