Wii Menu GX Click More Information for screenshots
How to use:
DVD Icon is in the top left of the banner view only.
SD card is the install button
List view has favorite, sort, category and lock buttons.
Wii button is settings (use home button on controller for home)
Middle buttons are loader mode, arrangement view and power.
h button is homebrew
For Japanese users: You can use this JP version of the font. See attachments of thread.
Extract font.ttf and place inside the theme folder, replace when asked.
Let me know if there are any problems. I may find a new font.
Special thanks and credit to @jwmu for the some good ideas and sd card asset!
Check out their Accurate Wii Menu theme
@SylverReZ, Yeah, the thought came to me too lol. I like writing but I never got into making reviews, blog entries and similar stuff. Maybe I could try in the future.
@NinStar, Depends on what is comfortable and right for you. For me, my hands are not the manliest in the world (haha) they're quite small. What comes to mind in terms of handhelds, the most comfortable has to be the 2DS. Not only does the corners not dig into your palms but it's probably my favourite in terms of ergonomics. The buttons are made out of a soft plastic, not too mushy to press, a huge advantage over the 3DS. Doesn't feel too bulky and it could be compared to the DS Lite.
when the xbox series was launching, phil spencer or someone else there did say that targeting smaller hands improved the ergonomics of the controller for more people.
@SylverReZ, The 2ds is definitely the one people find the most comfortable lol. People with big hands love it and it looks like people with smaller hands love it too. I find holding the normal DS/3DS consoles more comfortable and I prefer their build quality. The 2DS looks smaller when you hold it because you hold onto the whole console, not just the bottom, but it's actually the right size. The problem I have with it though is that the screen is a bit too small and holding the entire console while looking at a just few small screens makes it a bit less practical imho.