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NDSTokyoTrim 0.75

Version 0.75 -October 26, 2007 (26/10/07)A rom trimmer for Nintendo DS(NDS/GBA)- Batch processing- Recursive folder scanning- Auto detection for Wifi games- Auto detection of already trimmed games- Auto fix of incorrect trimming from other trimmers- Extremely fast- No install required. No .NET. It works from Windows 2k to Vista.- Trims NDS and GBA roms- RAR/ZIP/7zip supportIt works for all the currently known cards for DS:- R4- M3- CycloDS Evo- G6 etc..WHAT

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    g100mywlnt3r44 @ g100mywlnt3r44: about to read frankenstein for class i mean i should have read it a long time ago anyways as i...