
FantasianSGE 0.1

Fantasian save game extractor (from MacOS to import to Fantasian Neo Dimension on Steam) made by yours truly.

Usage is as described on the script:
  1. firstly check if you don't already have the root.json file in <Fantasian app>/Contents/Game/Data/_data (To explore the contents of the app and reach the save file, simply open Finder and go to you Applications folder, find Fantasian, right click and select 'Show Package Contents'
  2. open the Terminal application;
  3. navigate to whatever folder you have this script in, example (remove quotes): "cd ~/Downloads/";
  4. type, without quotes, "chmod +x" to give the script execution permissions;
    type, without quotes, "./" to execute the script;
  5. you have now (re)created the root.json, the save file you should be importing to your Fantasian: Neo Dimensions machine;
  6. in Windows, copy that file to "%USERPROFILE%/My Documents/My Games/FANTASIAN Neo Dimension/Steam/76561197991414426/_data" (it's possible that you'd need to start a new game first and play until you save it for the first time, so do that if it doesn't work right away and then copy and replace the file to said directory);
  7. in Steam Play (Steam Deck / Linux), you'll have to navigate to a simillar directory inside <SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/2844850/pfx/

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