File 1 Shanoa Normal mode LV. 113Hp max up 30x (Max)Mp max up 30x (Max)Heart max up 30x (Max)Time: 79:51:55Gold: 9'999'999Map: 100%Kills: 11'026All Attribute Point 65535 (Max)Villagers Quest (Completed)Glyphs: 100%Item: 100%Enemies: 100% (Bestiary Completed)File 2 - Copy of file 1Shanoa Hard mode LV.1 capHp max up 26x (2nd playthroughs max)Mp max up 30x (Max)Heart max up 28x (2nd playthroughs max)Time: 76:12:31Gold: 9'999'999Map: 100%Kills: 9'552All Attribute Point 65535 (Max)Villagers Quest (Completed)Glyphs: 100%Item: 100%Enemies: 100% (Bestiary Completed)File 3Albus Normal mode LV.75Hp max up 30x (Max)Mp max up 30x (Max)Heart max up 30x (Max)Time: 9:33:33Gold: 38'740Map: 100%All Attribute Point (unknown)Mode finishedShanoa: normal, hard lv.1 capAlbus: normal, hard lv.255Acekard 2 / CycloDS / EDGE / MS Simply / NinjaDS / R4/ Supercard CF / Supercard One / Supercard SD / Toy Toy DS (.sav)to convert go to to Shuny