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Acekard R.P.G. BNS 4.08-1.4.3

BNSM1.4.3+ R4/M3 usrcheat.dat/cheat.dat support in addition to XML (.DAT is faster!) - bliss Note: Cheat files now go in "__rpg/cheats/"+ Cheats window has options for database selection, rebuilding, etc. - bliss in, modified Smiths+ Language.txt updates to [cheats] section+ GBA Patching updated for all of gelu's latest auto-patching routines+ Delete a Shortcut by selecting it in the main browser with "Y" (File Info) and hitting the "X" button to delete it. Technically it just disables it, but that's all that's needed.+ Start menu reordered to have the more popular items in the sub-menu first. Poor FAS1 gets knocked down a peg+ Got bored with green/blue screens when menu loads, so they're now black+ Multiple save slots per game by Moogle, change currently used slot via ROM Info Window+ Support for parsing encrypted cheat DAT files -- bliss+ Fixed if shortcut = GBA game (3in1/eWin detection) -- Smiths+ Fixed lot of Rom Info Window options showing that need not -- Smiths(Folders as shortcuts = no / save slot button for NDS games only / etc.)+ Cheat Window size fixed with new buttons -- Normmatt+ Maybe other language.txt things, not quite sure, check the language.txt in SVN for the latest English one
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