*yawn* Story of 'Soon to be teacher' Bok - HYPE THE MH 3 OMFG

Testing.. 1..2..3.. Thing's on... right..? Yes it should be.. *cracks neck*. Right..

So. Temp.

Yeah sorry that wasn't neccesary at all.. ._. asdf

Yes aside from al the randomness, I'm not sure how to start this blog entry. First of all, I doubt ANYONE AT ALL will remember my name :') right? So maybe a re-intro: I'm that guy that's fanboy over Assassins Creed and Boktai. Yes. That's right.

So what's up on the Temp? I've missed a lot since summer. (Yeah, it's been that long!) Missed a lot of cool stuff i guess, like the MK7 contests. Meh.

So basicly, I write these blogs just to amuse myself, getting some thoughts off my mind, placing everything in context. And i feel like i need to do that now.

Basicly (as continuation from last blog entry), life's great right now. Studies are going well, I've been feeling great and that girl from last entry, is sort of my girlfriend right now. WOO. Yeah, things got pretty exciting.

Starting on the subject of studies: I hope everyone's studies are going well. For me, it's becoming a teacher in Geography! (It's actually way cooler then it sounds). It's filled with awesome peeps (gamers too) and I'm having a great time. Personally said, becoming a teacher is hard work. It's a lot of stuff that you have to process. I'm getting way ahead of myself.

First of all, it's dealing with so much theoretical stuff, it's abnormal how much text we have to read. Though it's interesting, it's a lot. Only since last few months, we were allowed to actually go get some experience, by going through internships. I must say, sometimes teenagers of young age can be pretty hard to handle, but overall, they're quite fun. It's a lot of homework too.

That aside. Let's talk about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for 3DS. I'm actually pretty excited for this game to be released! I've played the demo (and I still utterly suck at it), but playing through some missions is pretty fun! (also, trying out weapons is fun too right?). What are your thoughts on MH3? The only thing I personally miss, is an online feature ._. ah well single player's cool too.

Ok enough random blah blah.. I'm ending this entry here xD



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