Yard Sale 2

didn't get as much today.




Paid $2 for the lot. Only care about megaman and spyro tho. They all work.


I own Mega Man 8 sans the actual case for it (picked up used from Gamestop probably about a decade ago now for pretty cheap). I still have my save that's all the way up to the castle. Never could actually make it to Wily. I keep thinking that one day, I'll pick the game back up and finally beat it.
[quote name='Recorderdude' timestamp='1343514095']
JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE SLIDE SLIDE and that's why nobody beats megaman 8!
Pretty much! That air-boarding bit at the beginning of the castle absolutely slays me. Having made it past that exactly one time, I ended up in the next portion totally unprepared just to die and have to start all over. That day, I saved it, put the game in its case, and haven't played it since.
BTW, I beat the game 2 days after I got it. Wily's cake. Guess I'm good at the air-boarding cos of how much I'd played it as a kid.

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