Well, my brother, who's 14 years old has spent the last few years on Darkthrone forums, which I have teased him about in the past. It seems in that time he's got very close to some of the female members there. Other than that, I never knew anything else until this evening. I'd always assumed he was clever enough (as I seem him as similar to me) to not get really attached to people online, and that it was just a distraction to pass the time (like I use GBATemp).
But I stumbled upon his blog in the website history for Firefox today. I found myself shaking within a few minutes at a few of the blog entries. I was ashamed at the fact he came across as a depressed, little emo-boy, but worried about what he was actually going through at the same time.
It seems he calls one member of this forum 'Mum', seemingly putting her on a pedestal as a mother figure to replace our own mother
, on numerous occasions he put in blog entries saying he would kill himself or wasn't sleeping, was suffering from paranoia or suffering from low self-esteem because forum members hadn't contacted him or had said something mean. It appears he even had an online relationship with one of them at some point.
Meanwhile, in real life, we've never seen him as depressed. Every so often he has a tantrum over something silly (especially having his laptop taken off him, and now I know why), and his fuse is a little short, but on the whole he's pretty sensible. One thing I can say is odd though, is how he's never really let anyone in on how he thinks or had any kind of deep discussion with him. Whenever you try and get under his skin, or try and understand him or have a proper discussion he shouts us out the room. We put it down to behavioural problems that he'll grow out of, but maybe that's not the case.
It strikes me as unnatural though. He's been treated the same as any ordinary kid, and he's never seemed particularly depressed, but he comes across as completely depressed in this blog, as though he thinks nobody cares about him.
I don't know whether this is a phase he's going through, or whether it's something we need to work out once and for all. And I have no idea how we will sort it out as he's so attached to these forum members, and will only discuss his life with them.
I'm kinda worried here, any advice?
Kudos if you bothered to read it all too
But I stumbled upon his blog in the website history for Firefox today. I found myself shaking within a few minutes at a few of the blog entries. I was ashamed at the fact he came across as a depressed, little emo-boy, but worried about what he was actually going through at the same time.
It seems he calls one member of this forum 'Mum', seemingly putting her on a pedestal as a mother figure to replace our own mother
Meanwhile, in real life, we've never seen him as depressed. Every so often he has a tantrum over something silly (especially having his laptop taken off him, and now I know why), and his fuse is a little short, but on the whole he's pretty sensible. One thing I can say is odd though, is how he's never really let anyone in on how he thinks or had any kind of deep discussion with him. Whenever you try and get under his skin, or try and understand him or have a proper discussion he shouts us out the room. We put it down to behavioural problems that he'll grow out of, but maybe that's not the case.
It strikes me as unnatural though. He's been treated the same as any ordinary kid, and he's never seemed particularly depressed, but he comes across as completely depressed in this blog, as though he thinks nobody cares about him.
I don't know whether this is a phase he's going through, or whether it's something we need to work out once and for all. And I have no idea how we will sort it out as he's so attached to these forum members, and will only discuss his life with them.
I'm kinda worried here, any advice?
Kudos if you bothered to read it all too