Well this sucks.

So, I wake up. There is less than an inch of snow on the ground and my dad won't drive me to the studio because he thinks he is going to crash or something, this is the last day there and I was going to get to do guest vocals which I was extremely excited about.

So, that didn't happen and now I am completely pissed off, so my mom comes in and starts yelling at me about stupid shit like usual, this time it was because I was supposed to bring my brothers sleeping bag upstairs but it was pushed in the corner and I didn't see it. At the time I was texting on my phone when she came in and yelled at me, and she knows I am already pissed off by the way, so I tossed the phone on the floor took the stuff upstairs and I come back downstairs and my phone is gone.

Talk about a shitty day so far, I can live without my phone because I am not one of those people who are completely attached to it. I'm just still mostly pissed about how my dad won't bring me to the studio because there is less than an inch of snow on the ground.


That is dumb. You should just jack the car yourself. Seriously driving on snow is not that difficult. Practice and you will get good. But practice in a parkinglot not the road. cause then you may die, and thats bad.
[quote name='BortzANATOR' post='2499900' date='Dec 31 2009, 06:44 PM']That is dumb. You should just jack the car yourself. Seriously driving on snow is not that difficult. Practice and you will get good. But practice in a parkinglot not the road. cause then you may die, and thats bad.[/quote]

Hahahaha, something tells me that wouldn't go over well xD
[quote name='BortzANATOR' post='2499963' date='Dec 31 2009, 06:07 PM']confidence man, confidence![/quote]

[quote name='Psyfira' post='2499975' date='Dec 31 2009, 06:11 PM']Buses? :D[/quote]

Nahh, we don't have any around here, and plus, I don't have money to pay for a bus either :(
[quote name='NeSchn' post='2499995' date='Dec 31 2009, 03:19 PM']Nahh, we don't have any around here, and plus, I don't have money to pay for a bus either :([/quote]
Nobody was implying you should buy the bus, you just ride it, see. :P
half an inch? no offense but your dad is a wuss.

anything below three inches is easy when you get your bearings.

Sorry, but since I live in Canada I find that really, really funny. I guess your dad wouldn't drive at all here.

Unless it's freezing rain we drive no matter what.

I did wind up going though after the snow stopped, and my mom gave me my phone back but of course like usual she flipped out on me before she gave it back.
LMAO. Wimpy wimpy. I'm in Canada, and my dad drives in all kinds of weather. Personally, I drive, but I tend to be a nervous driver.

All parents are like that - just tune her out when it comes to ranting.
Dude, seriously. You should make your dad take you to the studio, be like 'its my time to spread my wings' type of speech. This is awful my mother screams at me because I don't have a job but I have been looking for a job since the summer time. Its not fault that I can't get hired inside this fucked up economy!

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