Weird place to find one of my Youtube videos

There I was... using my favorite Search engine - looking for a particular article to help some1 out

On using 'ysmenu brick acekards' as the search terms, I stumbled across a Google result that had me puzzled and curious

Why ?? ..... because the summary text looked rather familiar to me, but the web address wasn't one I recognized
Car Styling - DSTT | Modifications, Street Racing Videos
I made this video to show the people @ '' that ysmenu (an alternative
File launcher for DS flashcards) does work when started from within the ...
On clicking it - I found that this site had one of my Youtube Videos on it.....

Now tell me this .... How the HELL has my video - about 'YSMenu' and 'DSTT' flashcard (Mine the 3rd from the bottom BTW) got ANYTHING to do with 'Car Styling' ???? :unsure:

How weird is that


That´s probably a website that indexes youtube videos and other stuff to get money from ads and stuff.

Edit: I only see some sponsors on the left. Maybe they get money from them per click or view.

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