Veganism...minor rant...

I have a friend who's an unabashed vegan. This means all animal products are considered cruel and unusual punishment to the animals. He even has a beef with butter/milk...the animals who produce it are supposed to be feeding their calves/kids with it, and he thinks it's a cruel joke by humanity. Once, on facebook...he said "if you eat beef, what's stopping you from eating a human?"

He believes that the beef industry has been feeding us lies for years - iron, and protein can be found in better sources, and that we could save the planet if we would just become vegans. Personally, I think that farming anything in large enough numbers to feed the planet is killing our planet. Why do you think 3rd world countries need pesticides and fertilizers to get anything to grow to support the population? Anyhow, beef is more calorically dense than anything else - why do you think any meat is prized in 3rd world countries? Try India, where all parts of the cow are sold as food. Even China uses a great portion of the cow! In America, most of the "bad" bits in the cow are turned into hamburger and sausage - which means more food and more jobs for people makiing them.

If we go vegan all at once, do you think the jobs and "meat market" would survive? Or would it just go underground? I think it would turn into a status symbol - meat is a luxury in some places; it is too abundant in our countries.


Just ignore him when he starts talking philosophical. The meat market would survive but on a smaller scale.
Tell him to get off his high horse. we have been eating meat since the dawn of time.

Next thing you know he's going to try to turn wild predators into vegans. "hey Mr. Wolf? You know you don't want that rabbit. try some of this awesome soy milk"

Also ask him what he thinks contain a better source of iron; if I'm remembering right a lot of vegans actually suffer from deficiencies and need to take supplements.
There are veggies that can give high amounts of iron etc. its just a case of eating the right ones.

But yeah I hate vegans when they're like that. Meat industry is huge, if we stopped having a beef industry wtf would we do with all these cows? Its called the food chain, we eat and animals die. Its that simple, sorry!
[quote name='astrangeone' post='2577288' date='Feb 4 2010, 05:42 PM']"if you eat beef, what's stopping you from eating a human?"[/quote]
One or two inconvenient laws :ph34r: Also, prions.
[quote name='Veho' post='2577534' date='Feb 4 2010, 11:04 AM'][quote name='astrangeone' post='2577288' date='Feb 4 2010, 05:42 PM']"if you eat beef, what's stopping you from eating a human?"[/quote]
One or two inconvenient laws :ph34r: Also, prions.
Yes, prions. I hate when the fact that the beef industry supports so many jobs and things - and he doesn't think about the wider consequences about abolishing the meat industry.

I dunno. It pisses me off so much that he thinks like that - and also, he keeps his cat on a vegan diet + supplements. I was like...that's cruel. Cats eat protein, and digest it only....god...
I'm a vegetarian, but in all honesty I don't give a shit if most people eat meat. But keeping a cat on a vegan diet? Get a grip!
I was a vegan for 5 years, am now just a vegetarian. You CAN get your nutrients from veggies alone, but it's very difficult and expensive. I couldn't do it because i'm not rich and can't afford all the expensive foods that have the vitamins.

I'm going to say this right here an now- anyone who attacks someone over their food preference is an idiot. Pure and simple. I've never done it, never felt myself higher up than a carnivore, never been disgusted by people eating mean, or whatever. I mean, if you're ENJOYING tormenting and torturing animals in a sadistic manner, that's never good, but the food chain is nature. So it's not going to make you better to attack someone over their food choice.

Why i was a vegan- I personally didn't want to take part in eating meat. Simple reason? Hehe. Lets get more into my preferences-
1- i don't like meat much period, something i can go without
2- i'm genetically prone to having high blood pressure and such, i am PERSONALLY better off without it
3- i do have a turn off for animal killing. I do NOT connect this to other people though, this turnoff stops with me, people will not receive any sort of anger from me. It's a personal thing.
4- when i stopped eating meat, i found that stomach aches ailed me no more. I think my body is sensitive to meat and can't process it properly. Not gotten sick from eating in years, literally. Again, a personal thing.

So there you go. I'm a vegetarian, but not an asshole kind. I also hate PETA, arrogant pricks. The trick is to eat how you want and don't try to impose your shitty "ideals" on anyone else.

Oh BTW, cows do produce way too much methane. The answer is not to get rid of it though. It's to harvest it for fuel. Duh. Clean fuel! :P
[quote name='granville' post='2577563' date='Feb 4 2010, 07:20 PM']I was a vegan for 5 years, am now just a vegetarian. You CAN get your nutrients from veggies alone, but it's very difficult and expensive. I couldn't do it because i'm not rich and can't afford all the expensive foods that have the vitamins.

I'm going to say this right here an now- anyone who attacks someone over their food preference is an idiot. Pure and simple. I've never done it, never felt myself higher up than a carnivore, never been disgusted by people eating mean, or whatever. I mean, if you're ENJOYING tormenting and torturing animals in a sadistic manner, that's never good, but the food chain is nature. So it's not going to make you better to attack someone over their food choice.

Why i was a vegan- I personally didn't want to take part in eating meat. Simple reason? Hehe. Lets get more into my preferences-
1- i don't like meat much period, something i can go without
2- i'm genetically prone to having high blood pressure and such, i am PERSONALLY better off without it
3- i do have a turn off for animal killing. I do NOT connect this to other people though, this turnoff stops with me, people will not receive any sort of anger from me. It's a personal thing.
4- when i stopped eating meat, i found that stomach aches ailed me no more. I think my body is sensitive to meat and can't process it properly. Not gotten sick from eating in years, literally. Again, a personal thing.

So there you go. I'm a vegetarian, but not an asshole kind. I also hate PETA, arrogant pricks. The trick is to eat how you want and don't try to impose your shitty "ideals" on anyone else.

Oh BTW, cows do produce way too much methane. The answer is not to get rid of it though. It's to harvest it for fuel. Duh. Clean fuel! :P[/quote]
This is exactly my view too.
[quote name='granville' post='2577563' date='Feb 4 2010, 11:20 AM']I was a vegan for 5 years, am now just a vegetarian. You CAN get your nutrients from veggies alone, but it's very difficult and expensive. I couldn't do it because i'm not rich and can't afford all the expensive foods that have the vitamins.

I'm going to say this right here an now- anyone who attacks someone over their food preference is an idiot. Pure and simple. I've never done it, never felt myself higher up than a carnivore, never been disgusted by people eating mean, or whatever. I mean, if you're ENJOYING tormenting and torturing animals in a sadistic manner, that's never good, but the food chain is nature. So it's not going to make you better to attack someone over their food choice.

Why i was a vegan- I personally didn't want to take part in eating meat. Simple reason? Hehe. Lets get more into my preferences-
1- i don't like meat much period, something i can go without
2- i'm genetically prone to having high blood pressure and such, i am PERSONALLY better off without it
3- i do have a turn off for animal killing. I do NOT connect this to other people though, this turnoff stops with me, people will not receive any sort of anger from me. It's a personal thing.
4- when i stopped eating meat, i found that stomach aches ailed me no more. I think my body is sensitive to meat and can't process it properly. Not gotten sick from eating in years, literally. Again, a personal thing.

So there you go. I'm a vegetarian, but not an asshole kind. I also hate PETA, arrogant pricks. The trick is to eat how you want and don't try to impose your shitty "ideals" on anyone else.

Oh BTW, cows do produce way too much methane. The answer is not to get rid of it though. It's to harvest it for fuel. Duh. Clean fuel! :P[/quote]

Yeah, they did do a Mythbusters episode involving a whole lot of cow manure. Let me tell you, I was disgusted and delighted at the same time. They harvested some waste and filled two tires with it, and then mixed it with oxygen to make a combustible fuel. They did start a lawn mower with it.

I don't mind vegans/vegetarians as long as they don't act like a typical ass and preach what they do to me. PETA pisses me off just because they use shock tactics to scare people into eating less meat. Yeah, animals die - we evolved to take advantage of animal protein - sure, we should have a better system for killing cows/food animals, but that's all...
All i can say is,

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made em out of meat." :teach:


Seriously, this is another "to each his own" kinda thing. There are more important matters than eating/not-eating animals going on in this world.

EDIT: Just wanted to throw an "IMO" on this. :P
I should also mention that I doubt anyone would be unhappy if we support more humane ways of killing and treating the animals, and also to make their lives more humane as well. You know, before the slaughtering, let them roam in fields and such. Don't keep them in tiny metal cages and constantly whipping, kicking, and torturing them like the meat industry does all the time. Meat eater or not, only the most sadistic people torment animals for fun like we see in a lot of leaked videos of slaughterhouses. Let's at LEAST treat them well while they're still alive. Can't imagine anyone getting some kind of pleasure off of whipping and kicking cows...

That's not preaching either, go find me someone who enjoys inhumanely tormenting animals as a daily ritual and tell me that's awesome.
[quote name='astrangeone' post='2577288' date='Feb 4 2010, 05:42 PM']He even has a beef with butter/milk...[/quote]
I'm sorry, but that made me giggle.
^ Yeah me too..and confused, I had to read that sentence about five times before I got it, not your fault I'm just not used to seeing that phrase much.
Have you ever seen how america manufactures cows and chickens? It's quite obscene.
Your friend just sounds like a douchebag. Being a lifelong vegetarian (I'm not kidding, I haven't had a single piece of meat from out of the womb to sitting here in my chair), it's not really a philosophical thing for me (it is for my mom). I don't think that killing animals for food is really all that great, but what am I gonna do? Bitch about it? Tell people "meat is murder" and throw paint on their coats?

I just wouldn't group all vegans/vegetarians into that group that your friend is or really bash the concept of veganism as a whole. Your friend is just one of those douchey "push your beliefs onto everyone" people.
Being vegan, and bashing us meat-eaters is one thing, but making your cat vegan is another. It's animal cruelty, just like he preaches killing cows for food is. Thus he is a fucking hypocrite, and if I were you I would take whatever else he says with a grain of salt.
A person's choice of diet is of no concern to me, as long as they don't preach their vegetarianism at me while I'm eating a cheeseburger.

I don't holler at a person about eating a salad. I have never, ever called-out a vegan for being a vegan. "Vegan" never even crosses my mind, nor does it make me think any different about the person in any way if I learn they are vegan. Most people who are not vegan think this way.

But many vegan's will start ranting if they see you eat any meat. seems to me that it's only the vegan's who have any issue with anything. They cause the "issue" themselves by getting in the faces of the people who do eat meat (omnivores) and preaching vegetarianism at them while they're eating their burger. Not the best tactics. Just hush and eat your salad.

You eat what you want, I'll eat what I want. Don't talk about it. Especially when I'm eating. Okay?

'Nuff said and no animosities.
Well, on the flip side of the coin, I'm constantly nagged about not eating meat. I don't say you shouldn't eat meat or anything, but I get TONS of people saying "HEY HARRY (that's my name), WHY DON'T YOU EAT MEAT?" and I usually just say for personal reasons. Then they go on with "WHY???? IT TASTES SOOOO GOOD I MEAN I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!!!!" It annoys me. Not saying any of you would do that, but I've had so many people nag me about my diet.

Being vegetarian still doesn't stop you from getting fat or high blood pressure. Thought I'd say that. Well, I'm not "fat", by I've got a beer gut. Probably from all the soda.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2577725' date='Feb 4 2010, 02:27 PM']Well, on the flip side of the coin, I'm constantly nagged about not eating meat. I don't say you shouldn't eat meat or anything, but I get TONS of people saying "HEY HARRY (that's my name), WHY DON'T YOU EAT MEAT?" and I usually just say for personal reasons. Then they go on with "WHY???? IT TASTES SOOOO GOOD I MEAN I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!!!!" It annoys me. Not saying any of you would do that, but I've had so many people nag me about my diet.

Being vegetarian still doesn't stop you from getting fat or high blood pressure. Thought I'd say that. Well, I'm not "fat", by I've got a beer gut. Probably from all the soda.[/quote]
Yeah, you still get fat from soda's and shit. Fatty meat can make it worse, but i'm not exactly skinny and don't eat meat. I do find that meat CAN cause hypertension if you eat too much of the red kind. Or are too liberal with the sodium-sauce. :P

But yeah, I have DEFINITELY been annoyed by meat eaters. Never said anything to tick them off or anything, but once people know you don't eat it, they get defensive and start attacking you or questioning you.

Really, there are just as many asshole carnivores that preach their shit as there are vegetarians who do the same. It's not anything to do with one side. It's about being different and people trying to control or attack someone over being different. It's what little kids do to bully one another. Funny how adults consider themselves so much more mature than kids, and yet as I grew up and became an adult, it became clear that they really aren't any more mature...

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  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I'd love it if the switch 2 became my main future device but most just have shit titles that don't make it worth it when I could drop money on other titles that get my interest
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Every console has shovel ware which most agree are all poo
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Switch 2 will be your most powerful handheld (most likely) but Nintendo has always been a generation behind Sony/ Xbox, so doubt it will get the newest of games, n if it does, will be a watered down version, like Switch 1 got
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Most powerful hardly series x specs will still crap on it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Most powerful handheld I said. I imagine it won't last long tho, ROG or Steamdeck 2 will prob overpower it. I will prob buy a switch2 tho, gotta have that Mariokart 9.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I kinda doubt that also Asus will keep releasing or if Xbox doesn't come out with some handheld by then
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Og switch was kind of the first most powerful option for it's portability time
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea Sony and Xbox working on a handheld now even.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Going to be good times for the portability market though I could see some type of vr/handheld hybrid device
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That would be cool
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Same old stuff gets so played out kind of like smartphones now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm thinking of selling my current drum machine, piano keyboard, and few synthesizers, and buy a new $699 drum machine/ workstation. Downsize but upgrade. But like any device, ill never get the money I paid into it. Hard to let stuff go for half what you paid.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: lol brother p touch
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Skelletonike, I only played Digimon world ds
  • Pae @ Pae:
    anyone know if the cmd resistor exists on a v1 switch
  • Pae @ Pae:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Pae, you're welcome
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Something I don't like about playing on my game tv stick is that theres sometimes an input lag of 1 entire frickin second.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Good night
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @K3Nv3, just my opinion but more games on the platform does increase the odds of some of them being awesome
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    A 12,000 in one odd of finding not a shit game good luck
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Just like how og Xbox has about 3tb worth of games and only 500gb worth of goodies it's not going to be any different
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    It's realistic thinking not that I don't want good ones
    K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: It's realistic thinking not that I don't want good ones