[Urgent]Need help writing resume!

Well, guys, i need help checking, did i messed up for a resume and any tip for someone who has nothing to add?

MrFatso(will replace this with my real name)
Mobile number and house number| Email

Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore
Diploma in Digital Entertainment Technology Expected End in 2010
• Relevant Coursework: Advanced C++ Programming, Web Development, Advanced Computer Graphics, Data Structures and Algorithms, Programming Physics, Multiplayer Games Programming, Multi-core Programming, Programming with Game Engine, Programming Hardware Shaders, Mobile Game Programming

Taught my friend Math and science January 2005 – 2006
September 2008-2009
• Tutored my classmates and help teach them science and math, if they do not understand any of the topics, I will think of an easier example or way to teach them about that topic.
Volunteer work
Help collect funds for tsunami victims 2004
• Joined my friends and went out collection donation for the tsunami victims.

Scout Singapore
Scout leader September 2004 – 2006
• Instruct students on rope tying, marching and other scout related matter, listen to their troubles.

Languages: Fluent in English; Conversational proficiency in Chinese
Technical Skills: Knowledge of computer programming language
Activities: Scout (Scout Leader)
Interests: Read up on any news on technology that I come across

Thanks and any addons will be helpful, and i need to hand this up in 4 hour time or could be next week, the email isnt specific with regard to this detail.


ya, I found this off some free resume template website and I saw it and thought, hmm, this looks kind of like something that I can filled in the blanks instead of leaving a bunch of section empty and saying to myself, crap, I have nothing to add to this resume.

Thanks PharaohsVizier for your help and I apologize to anyone who came in and said, argh, my eye, this person grammar is horrible: angry:

Hmm, I assumed that scout as an co-curricular activities is to be placed under the activities section, as secondary school students (or probably the equivalent of high school in the united states) we have to have a co-curricular activities after school, but then again, it isn’t exactly a hobby of mine nor an interest, so I wasn’t exactly sure where to place scout. But you are right, seems to be more suited as a leadership role. As that was what i was doing before i left scouts.

As for language section, what if i just know one or 2 lines in Cantonese? How should i phrase that? or should that be omitted? Since the only dialect that i know of would be

- i do not understand nor do i know how to speak your language
- have you eaten
- how are you

and pretty much, that's it. Although, truth be told, i have no idea if it is Cantonese or hokkien that i am speaking when i said those 3 lines.

Anyway, don't worry about offending me, you guys are helping me, heck, why should i be mad that there are guys willing to help me out?
[quote name='iPikachu' post='2533904' date='Jan 15 2010, 12:31 PM']wow how am i going to find a job when i dont have work experience... shet.[/quote]

do some Voluntary unpaid work! = same as work experience :)

re: O/P

you need to add some stuff about yourself as above interests etc basically sell yourself with your personal profile what your likes and dislikes are ...hobbies and interests ... if you work well in a team or as an individual point it out that YOUR WILLING TO LEARN or TRY NEW CHALLENGES!

other than that just try to be yourself!

If you make up a load of stuff that simply is not true with regards to skills and qualifications then you may come unstuck if your put into a situation that you have no clue about!

Classic example is a friend of mine went for a job that involved working beside a lake ...He had previously told the boss on his C.V./Resume that he could swim or liked swimming as a hobby! (When really he could not swim at all!) Another workmate fell into the lake and he had to go get someone else to assist the rescue! ... result was getting the sack from this job for falsification of information that turned out to be a vital part of the job!
I'd be careful with the language thing. I can speak French at a conversational level, and basic Spanish (like hello, names, weather, time, etc) and I don't usually put them down on a CV. I have a GCSE in French, which I usually mention, but my rule generally is, if i'm not comfortable enough with the language to actually talk with a customer in it, it doesn't go on the CV (resume).
might have to add that this will potentially be sent to IT companys, so there are some stuff that i wanted to put in my resume, but no idea how to phase it well.

@iPikachu: probably if you did tutor your friends, help someone out in doing something, you could spin it as job experience just like what kobykaan has mentioned.

@Antoligy: thanks for the offer.

@Rogue Trader and kobykaan: Okay, point taken.
nah, that's only for dialect, for mandarin, its alot more than that and that was what my teacher mentioned as well, so she suggested right after you are done with your copy, run it through microsoft word once and next, get a few of your friends to check.

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