Understanding WiiFlow Views

Wiiflow has 5 views to choose from. USB (Wii games), DML (Gamecube games), Channels (Wiiware & VC), Homebrew (apps & games), and Emu (Plugins). Unfortunately they can't be combined.

You currently have 3 ways to change views.
  1. Press the 'A' button while pointing at the view switcher Icon. The view switcher icon displays what the next view will be. It will go sequentially thru the list (USB, DML, Channels, Emu, and Homebrew). If any of those are disabled or hidden it will skip them and go to the next available one.
  2. Use the wiimote d-pad. You must first enable this in the wiiflow.ini under the [GENERAL] section. Once it's enabled just point at the view switcher icon and use your d-pad like this

    Up = USB
    Down = DML
    Left = Channels
    Right = Emu

    For Homebrew view press the d-pad in the direction of the view you are currently on.
  3. Use the Select Source menu by pressing the 'A' button on the home icon (or '+' button on the view switcher icon). A menu will appear with the five choices and more. Just choose one and it will take you there. Unfortunately this menu has to be setup by you before using. More on that later.
All of the views except USB can be disabled or hidden. More on that later as well.


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