Tropic Thunder

So I saw tropic thunder yesterday with a bunch of friends cause it was one of their birthdays, and all I have to say was that it was hilarious. Also, it shouldn't have been rated R. I'm 13 (surprise surprise) and I felt that it was perfectly appropriate. The only reason it was R was because of all the cussing and choice of words. There were no sexual innuendos, mass amounts of blood (except for the beginning, but that's an exception) and at no point was there a topless chick. Imo, you don't mess with the zohan was 100 times worse then this movie. I can also understand the controversy on the use of retarded, and I really don't have much to say about it.

If you guys haven't seen it yet, then I'd advise you to watch it because it was a really good movie.

Tom Cruise was really good in this movie. I knew he was in it, but I didn't figure out which one he was until half way into the movie, and I was surprised.


I saw this movie. I thought it was pretty funny and I understand why it was Rated R. It was gory and there was a lot of blood. Many things were also very inappropriate. Maybe that's hard for a 13 year old to understand?

I didn't even realize that it was Tom Cruise until the end of the movie.

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