TokyoTrip! -A manga idea by Alex

Okay, my OLD idea from 7th grade when I was 12 is coming back to me. I had a story planned out then. But I never did get around to drawing it. But now I started a bit. Let me tell you some more.

The story starts in (this is where I need some help, I need a town in the US) and the main character is a 15 year old teen named Lucas. His life sucks like any anime/manga character's life. He goes to school at (that unnamed town's school) in his Sophomore year. (Maybe I'll change that, he could be a bit older, I thing being the young one of the class is a idea though) He has ZERO friends(maybe I'll change that to one later on, I'm still designing the characters) and no brothers or sisters.(maybe he had a younger one, but his mom had an abortion? idea anyone?)

He goes home from school one day to see that his house was burned down. His parents are dead too. The cause is unknown at the time.(Doesn't affect the story much does it?) And for some reason(give me an idea on how he gets tickets for a trip to somewhere, I'm thinking Italy, with his relative over there, but same, doesn't affect story that much) he gets tickets for a plane trip to Italy.(let's just say that for now) But then there he goes messing up again.

Somehow(insert an idea here, I want a better reason, because he can't really get on the wrong plane since the person in front of the door checks it first, right before you get on the plane) he gets on the wrong plane(doesn't figure that out for a while, too busy watching something on the little TV on the seat, o.O and how did he get to First Class by accident :O) and (guess it! You'll spend hours trying to figure it out!) lands in Tokyo.

Once he figures that out he gets nervous. He goes around asking if anyone speaks English. Everyone that could just laughs. Except on girl. She helps him and...

Then you'll have to wait for the first chapter! (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)

I get a lot of idea from school, I just mess around with it and think of something manga material. The story goes on, and I'm not sure if I should add some fantasy elements to the manga. I actually want it to be as real as possible, maybe something small fantasy. (Fuuko-chan from CLANNAD in the later episodes)

And I will be open to suggestions, and if I post a chapter up here, I'll credit you in a credits page for each manga, or under each page, which each page will be a spoiler box. And PM them to me, don't post them here. PLEASE! PM me! With a title of: "TokyoTrip Manga Idea" (without quotes okay?) And each new chapter will be a blog post. Maybe I'll make an archive site if I ever get far in it. But with school and all, I might not be able to do much. And I also need some more research on Japan holidays and traditions. And places, but I can look it up, unless your really nice and have something for me.:wub:

And I'll tell some history on this too, since I like making a long post. :D

In 7th grade I had this idea to write certain fan manga, one based off a neat picture I saw of Sakura(from Naruto) in a school uniform, titled K.H.S.G. but I wasn't that motivated then.
Then I had another idea, but I forgot it. :mellow: :blush: :hateit: :cry:
And then this idea came. I thought of it last year, and I liked it, so did my friends. So I started some small stuff. But I lost those old pieces of shit, and forgot about it.
Until now. I was going to start the basic design on the girl(name undecided, I'm thinking of something with an A but I messed up(this was in school, during Tennis, we hadn't started practice yet) and it looked like a freaky zombie girl. So I finished it, looked like an average or below drawing. Walking back from school from the bus...
Her brother wasn't there, I had some chance of something else. :'(
We started talking and I brought up I was trying my manga idea again and I messed up on the girl character... She wanted to see it, and I did show her, but then she showed me something she drew in class and it was way better. :cry: Something from Vampire Knights or something... She said it was supposed to be a girl, but everyone said it looked like a guy, so she said it was a guy now... Or a transsexual... :rofl2: Okay I'm straying off-topic, I do that a lot. Maybe it was better because she was in Art in 6th grade. :( I was in Band...

So I got home, and today, I started drawing again. She turned out better than before(maybe I'll upload the zombieish girl in a bit, it is teh suck drawing though, I suck at shadows) and I think that's the basic design, kinda just American clothes, I couldn't get a reference picture for the dress, see whats coming next, I wanted to try drawing her in a kimono(thanks PaperPlane :D), and I think it takes quite some shadowing for the folds, then in the school uniform, I'm still thinking how that'll be, can't be too slutty, it's school for damn sake! Then I will work on Lucas and his design. He will just wear(lol, while I was typing this I spent maybe like a minute trying to remember how to spell "wear" :rofl2:) normal American clothes for maybe the first few chapters of the manga. So that's all I'll be working on with him for now.

And if you are wondering, I'm trying to get that girl(need to think of a name still) and draw her with a B cup... I knew that would be your first question... Or maybe a C... :ph34r: :lol:

I may get some scans up tomorrow since it's getting late over here. And my scanner is shit, so don't expect anything high-quality. *yawn*

I'll be working on the girl still, she looks TOO 2D-ish. (Not breast-wise xD)


[quote name='A4NoOb' post='1384833' date='Sep 6 2008, 10:49 PM']It sounds like it would make a good comedy.[/quote]
Yes, that's what I was aiming for. Comedy, and maybe a bit of romance... Just wait for it...
Aren't you recently 13? From 12, that's not really an old idea much.
Also I'm clueless on anime, but in the first one he made his mistake flying with that airport, shoulda gone with a paper pilot.

Also, Kimono
[quote name='PaperPlane' post='1384908' date='Sep 6 2008, 11:52 PM']Aren't you recently 13? From 12, that's not really an old idea much.
Also I'm clueless on anime, but in the first one he made his mistake flying with that airport, shoulda gone with a paper pilot.

Also, Kimono[/quote]
Yeah, I have a summer birthday, so I'm like the youngest, it was like halfway through the year.
On a PaperPlane? I'll consider it... nah...

And thanks, I forgot how to spell it.

And to the rest of you, I've got the first scan of the character. It's stupid looking, I'm not a perfect artist, but it's a try. And I think I folded the paper by accident once. But the rest of the horrible quality is the scanner.

Kid finds three tickets to wherever under the charred heaps of his burnt house...
[quote name='JPH' post='1386940' date='Sep 8 2008, 03:36 PM']Kid finds three tickets to wherever under the charred heaps of his burnt house...[/quote]

I keep imagining Luke coming back to his house in the original Star Wars, yelling "Noooooo!" seeing the charred corpses of his aunt and uncle and then...

"Hey look, magic tickets!"

Anyway, on topic:
Not to crush young talent here but:
Sounds an awful lot like that faux-manga crap Mega Tokyo
Sounds an awful lot like masturbatory wish fulfillment.
Sounds an awful lot like you're writing about the world's second biggest city when you haven't lived there. There's a reason places like Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Roppongi pop up in otherwise fictional games/novels/etc (Namco x Capcom and Kono Sekai come to mind). People know them very, very well. Japanese people who haven't had a lot of experience in Tokyo are hesitant to write about it.
Westerners don't draw or write manga.
[quote name='kikuchiyo' post='1387274' date='Sep 8 2008, 08:30 AM'][quote name='JPH' post='1386940' date='Sep 8 2008, 03:36 PM']Kid finds three tickets to wherever under the charred heaps of his burnt house...[/quote]

I keep imagining Luke coming back to his house in the original Star Wars, yelling "Noooooo!" seeing the charred corpses of his aunt and uncle and then...

"Hey look, magic tickets!"

Anyway, on topic:
Not to crush young talent here but:
Sounds an awful lot like that faux-manga crap Mega Tokyo
Sounds an awful lot like masturbatory wish fulfillment.
Sounds an awful lot like you're writing about the world's second biggest city when you haven't lived there. There's a reason places like Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Roppongi pop up in otherwise fictional games/novels/etc (Namco x Capcom and Kono Sekai come to mind). People know them very, very well. Japanese people who haven't had a lot of experience in Tokyo are hesitant to write about it.
Westerners don't draw or write manga.
Hmph, I don't seem to care. I just like to draw. :D I know I might not get far, but maybe this time, I'll make the effort, I never had before. :D And it kind of will be realistic as much as I can find. And maybe not too real, I'm going to try add some history elements and stuff.

And JPH: My original sorta was like that, where the parents left them for emergency. Or that they got them because they were going to leave him behind, or that they got it right before it burned.

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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @K3Nv3 I got a new v juice cause sounded good, peach cobbler, but so disappointed, peach taste like a fake chemical/ perfumey. More mad I wasted a new filter/coil on it. Don't ever buy "Yogi Peach Cobbler"
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I don't vape
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea me niether, its bad for you. I just made that up to conversate.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I don't conversate because I'm better than everyone else
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ok, well back to your p mcholmes porn then, enjoy.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I'm too good for that I get the real deal scrub
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    When only ultra porn will do, Golden Girls has 200 years of combined experience!
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    They call me the bone crusher for a reason
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    *bone muncher
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Be a man and shove it in there daddy
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Shove it? Its more like dropping a penny in a 10 gallon bucket.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    They always act like big man until it comes time to do the big man deed
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Look I can yell in there and hear echos. HELLO, hello, hello
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Why's this woman keep yapping Haiyaa
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
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  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    That's your bedroom wall
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nuh I got life size posters of him on my bedroom walls
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Those are just mirrors
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    KC people be crazy
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    True wonder what it's like to live there
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Between Kck and Kcmo must be alot even Trump got it wrong
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    I'm surprised Portugal got this song as one of the possible candidates for Eurovision
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
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