Today Sucks

For all of you who didn't realize already, this will just be a post of me bitching and whining - that is all.

Woke up today at 8am so that I could get to work on time (I bike) - 9:45am. I was supposed to get off at 1:00pm. My boss tells me that he will leave for an hour or so at 1:00 and I should just wait for him. 2:00 rolls around and no sign of him, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, and he calls me - he tells me to close the store at 7:15pm. 9:45 to 7:15. This is like my 5th day of work. What makes it worse is that tomorrow there will be a special sale day (gold card week), so there are about 5 customers all day today - I am not allowed to sit down, eat, or drink. I stood there for 9 hours, staring at a wall. I think I might be going insane...

Then I get home, disgruntled that I wasn't able to keep my promise for the first time I had time coinciding with my girlfriend's schedule for us-time. Now, I get to pack all of my possessions so that I can move tomorrow - hoping to god that my boss doesn't call (he doesn't keep a schedule, just calls whenever.) Before that though - dinner. All that I have that isn't meat or chips - macaroni and cheese. Not the best choice, but regardless, I decide to make it. No pots, already packed. I use a bowl in the microwave, everything's fine. No pot holders. I use a towel, still no problem. Then I try and strain it, and spill boiling water and noodles over half of my hand, which is now red, blistery, and painful. My only meal today gives me second degree burns. Grand.

And now, after all this, I really want my gaming fix. Just one thing can go right, right? Wrong. My parents decided to sell my TV at the pawn shop so that they wouldn't have to help me move it (couldn't they just say "no" when I asked?)

Surprise nine hour work day. No alone time with my girlfriend all week. One meal. Second degree burns. No gaming.

I seriously miss my's been so long...ugh...

Life is seriously making an enemy of me.


my day was worse i got up at afternoon and decided to play super smash bros because i urgently had to train since i have to beat someone i plug in the hdmi cable and the pc breaks for some unknown reason well i really had to train and there isnt much time anymore but my pc breaks i try to fix my pc for hours and it didnt work well now its 3 o clock here and i have to go to the doctor at 8 basically i did nothing today but increase my load of work with an unfixable pc and will still be completely fucked the next morning having to get up early red eyes and shit
[quote name='GentleFist' post='2953133' date='Jul 1 2010, 02:54 AM']my day was worse i got up at afternoon and decided to play super smash bros because i urgently had to train since i have to beat someone i plug in the hdmi cable and the pc breaks for some unknown reason well i really had to train and there isnt much time anymore but my pc breaks i try to fix my pc for hours and it didnt work well now its 3 o clock here and i have to go to the doctor at 8 basically i did nothing today but increase my load of work with an unfixable pc and will still be completely fucked the next morning having to get up early red eyes and shit[/quote]

His day was way worse, wtf are you complaining about? Cheer up monkat, a bad day happens every so often :)
well a bad day is relative^^

to me who is used that everything somehow works out fine this ultra sucked

i just plugged in a hdmi cable i did this 1000 times before~ u understand what im saying? like i wasnt expecting this at all

and this little move cost me my laptop and my whole day i sat in front of my laptop for 10 hours and it still doesnt work~

im a person that hates to take steps backwards, well who doesnt?

its the relative effect, because it was so unexpected it felt so bad i couldnt imagine plugging in a cable could steal my whole day and my sleep~

i always used to say if you dont look forward to something its not as bad if it doesnt happen you understand what im saying? reminds me of the spongebob episode where he wants to have the best day ever
Well I doubt Monkat was expecting his parents to sell his TV at the pawn shop. Think Optimistic Monkat, think Optimistic.
yeah youre right if my parents touched my tv id not just be sad but id rage all over the place, my problem is when im talking or writing i always start with something but then get carried away and start talking about my ideals and about how i think/work in general

oops, i did it again~ cheer up pal^^
I am not allowed to sit down, eat, or drink. I stood there for 9 hours, staring at a wall. I think I might be going insane...

In the uk that is illegal, isn't it the same over there? your supposed to get a break every 4 hours I think at least.
[quote name='thegame07' post='2954434' date='Jul 1 2010, 11:27 AM']
I am not allowed to sit down, eat, or drink. I stood there for 9 hours, staring at a wall. I think I might be going insane...

In the uk that is illegal, isn't it the same over there? your supposed to get a break every 4 hours I think at least.
Sounds like he was the only employee there. That would have pissed me off. I think his boss is trying to get rid of him. and yes for every 8 hours you are at your job, they are required to give you 30 min or more to yourself. Although it does not always work that way.
[quote name='Sterl500' post='2955066' date='Jul 1 2010, 06:57 PM'][quote name='thegame07' post='2954434' date='Jul 1 2010, 11:27 AM']
I am not allowed to sit down, eat, or drink. I stood there for 9 hours, staring at a wall. I think I might be going insane...

In the uk that is illegal, isn't it the same over there? your supposed to get a break every 4 hours I think at least.
Sounds like he was the only employee there. That would have pissed me off. I think his boss is trying to get rid of him. and yes for every 8 hours you are at your job, they are required to give you 30 min or more to yourself. Although it does not always work that way.

Exactly - it doesn't always work that way - there are cameras around, and I was the only employee there. Also he's not trying to get rid of me xD! He is very nice, and just had an emergency.

Also, yeah, the last two days have been better - finally got to get some gaming in, and got a day off Thursday. Plus all this morning with my girlfriend - only problem is I gotta open twice this weekend...opening / closing sucks xD but that's just me complaining.

Thanks for reading, anyone that did - glad to know there's some empathy on the intrawebs

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