So as you may or may not know, I've been kinda talking to this girl for a little while.
Met her a couple weekends ago.
Still in the kinda getting to know you stage of things, but wutever.
Here's the lowdown:
I'm quite fond of her.
I have no idea what she actually thinks of me.
(Possibly likes me though)
Last weekend she was talking to my friend a hell of a lot more than me.
If I look too deep in it I could bring up Fb and say I'm in her profile pic, but that may be an over analysis.
So yeah, back to last weekend.
We all went out, her and my friend were talking a lot.
Me (in my drunken, jealous state) probably said some stupid things.
Not like I was mad, just kinda... bleh.
Not sure I made the best impression.
On to the worst plan ever.
Ask her out ASAP.
Why this plan is terrible:
Still don't know her incredibly well.
Could be lost as a friend.
Could come across as... weird.
(though she knows I'm quite weird)
Aaaaaaaand, that's about it.
Why this plan rocks:
If she says yes, then all will be good in life.
I will truly find out what she thinks about me either way.
Alternate plans:
Just talk on a somewhat regular basis to get to know her more.
Don't talk to her and see if she eventually talks to me.
So yeah, perhaps looking for advice.
Though to be quite honest, I probably won't go along with the plan just cuz I'm me, but yeah.
That's that.
Met her a couple weekends ago.
Still in the kinda getting to know you stage of things, but wutever.
Here's the lowdown:
I'm quite fond of her.
I have no idea what she actually thinks of me.
(Possibly likes me though)
Last weekend she was talking to my friend a hell of a lot more than me.
If I look too deep in it I could bring up Fb and say I'm in her profile pic, but that may be an over analysis.
So yeah, back to last weekend.
We all went out, her and my friend were talking a lot.
Me (in my drunken, jealous state) probably said some stupid things.
Not like I was mad, just kinda... bleh.
Not sure I made the best impression.
On to the worst plan ever.
Ask her out ASAP.
Why this plan is terrible:
Still don't know her incredibly well.
Could be lost as a friend.
Could come across as... weird.
(though she knows I'm quite weird)
Aaaaaaaand, that's about it.
Why this plan rocks:
If she says yes, then all will be good in life.
I will truly find out what she thinks about me either way.
Alternate plans:
Just talk on a somewhat regular basis to get to know her more.
Don't talk to her and see if she eventually talks to me.
So yeah, perhaps looking for advice.
Though to be quite honest, I probably won't go along with the plan just cuz I'm me, but yeah.
That's that.