You know - the Westboro baptist church? The ones who make a mockery of western religion? The ones who have a very bad track record - they protested with disgusting signs the funeral of a departed US soldier (without regard for the family members/relatives), they think Obama's the devil, abortion is "blood murder" and that lesbians and gays are subhuman.
Well, I'm glad for the students of Long Beach's Wilson high school. They protested with humorous signs that pointed out how silly the premise of the Westboro baptist church is. And they came out in force.
Unfortunately, the Westboro Baptist church were saying that it was a violent protest and that there freedom of speech was impeded. I personally think it's sour beans - they didn't get the normal reaction of hate and violence; and so that they could justify what they were saying via the knee-jerk reaction. (eg. the yell at me, and I'd yell back theory). They'd take the offended party's reaction and twist it to suit their own needs. (Like they are trying now with the fact that it was a non-violent protest against them!) It takes some twisted logic to come up with what they are saying - but the students drowned out their hate with humour and fun.
I wish I had the sophistication to not yell at them. I know if they came to Toronto, I would be one of the people screaming back at their non-sense that comes out of their mouths.
Thank you, all the students who participated in the Long Beach protest.
The link that follows is a picture chubby link: but take a look anyhow!
Long Beach Post
Well, I'm glad for the students of Long Beach's Wilson high school. They protested with humorous signs that pointed out how silly the premise of the Westboro baptist church is. And they came out in force.
Unfortunately, the Westboro Baptist church were saying that it was a violent protest and that there freedom of speech was impeded. I personally think it's sour beans - they didn't get the normal reaction of hate and violence; and so that they could justify what they were saying via the knee-jerk reaction. (eg. the yell at me, and I'd yell back theory). They'd take the offended party's reaction and twist it to suit their own needs. (Like they are trying now with the fact that it was a non-violent protest against them!) It takes some twisted logic to come up with what they are saying - but the students drowned out their hate with humour and fun.
I wish I had the sophistication to not yell at them. I know if they came to Toronto, I would be one of the people screaming back at their non-sense that comes out of their mouths.
Thank you, all the students who participated in the Long Beach protest.
The link that follows is a picture chubby link: but take a look anyhow!
Long Beach Post