Its still on its way, had to delay it due to a load of shit at work. Usually I do stuff at work but I've got an audit due at the end of the week at my hotel so I had to actually work for the past few weeks to make sure that I didn't fail it.
So far I have two reviews. Contributed by chrisman01 & jgu1994. Pretty sure there was a third but its not in my inbox...if you did send me one recently then sorry I must have deleted it...if you ever see me in real life feel free to kick me square in the nuts.
Still waiting for some by those who said will contribute, if you still want to send something I'll need it by April 2nd. Anyone else interested I am basically looking for reviews of games. movies and albums from 1999 and before.
Here are some bands I've been listening to lately:
Some films I've watched lately that I recommend:
Games I've been playing:
Red Steel 2 Wii, Batman: Arkham Asylum PC, Fat Princess PSP. All are very good.
Snacks I'm eating a lot of:
Drinks I'm drinking:
Members I'm loving:
Toni, Raulpica, Hoverboard Nadrian, Dommy, B-Blue, Lagman & myself.
Fail comments from people I've suspended lately:
The last one isn't the exact quote, but that's the gist. Also spelling mistakes and bad punctuation have been fixed.
Game status:
The game "I Don't Want Anyone To Jizz On Me" is still coming but its part of a intricate trilogy and thus I am having to make those other two games at the same time so that the stories make sense and continuity is good.
The other titles are: "I Don't Want To Go Ass To Mouth" and "I Won't Do a Threesome, If The Other Person Is Male". One of these games will be released...eventually.
So far I have two reviews. Contributed by chrisman01 & jgu1994. Pretty sure there was a third but its not in my inbox...if you did send me one recently then sorry I must have deleted it...if you ever see me in real life feel free to kick me square in the nuts.
Still waiting for some by those who said will contribute, if you still want to send something I'll need it by April 2nd. Anyone else interested I am basically looking for reviews of games. movies and albums from 1999 and before.
Here are some bands I've been listening to lately:
Some films I've watched lately that I recommend:
Games I've been playing:
Red Steel 2 Wii, Batman: Arkham Asylum PC, Fat Princess PSP. All are very good.
Snacks I'm eating a lot of:

Drinks I'm drinking:

Members I'm loving:
Toni, Raulpica, Hoverboard Nadrian, Dommy, B-Blue, Lagman & myself.
Fail comments from people I've suspended lately:
The last one isn't the exact quote, but that's the gist. Also spelling mistakes and bad punctuation have been fixed.
Game status:
The game "I Don't Want Anyone To Jizz On Me" is still coming but its part of a intricate trilogy and thus I am having to make those other two games at the same time so that the stories make sense and continuity is good.
The other titles are: "I Don't Want To Go Ass To Mouth" and "I Won't Do a Threesome, If The Other Person Is Male". One of these games will be released...eventually.