Thanks Marcan...Sorry to see you go....

Many thanks to Marcan for his rather sizable contribution to Wii homebrew.

I would like to thank him for the work he did and I am genuinely sad to hear that he will no longer be a part of
"the scene".

He has been quite a character - one who opened himself up to controversey over his anti-piracy stance and made no
effort to deviate or retract those statements.

It has been a stance that has probably been his achilles heel - his mini-war with Waninkoko (or at the leaset heated
disputes) certainly didn't endear him to many of the pirates that also use homebrew.

His pro-homebrew anti-piracy stance also was used against him to make him out as a hipocrite which I whole-heartedly
disagree with. His moral standing on the issue of piracy was a breath of fresh air.

Legitimising homebrew software needed this very thing that homebrew and piracy need not always be associated together
in some illegal collusion. His ability and want to segregate the two helped to make a legitimate point that mostly was not
shared by the many that frequent these forums (and many others).

The popular opinion is not always the correct one and I applaud the fact that over this issue (and others) he has decided
to remove himself from a scene that simply does not deserve someone that has tried his very best to legitimise the
position of homebrew and to look at both longterm and short-term consequences.

I guess it is these very consequences that Marcan himself tried to manage well whilst others such as Waninkoko seem
happy to go down the popular vote which in terms of dealing with the consequences Waninkoko handled rather badly.
(which if you research he has on several occasions noted such an oversight)

It is not my intention to start (again) an anti-Waninkoko pro-Marcan agenda (I would be in a rather large minority at
that point I might add) but just to give Marcan some credit. He has been 'bashed' rather unfairly in my opinion.

Nobody is perfect - Marcan included - and I think that along the journey of life we can often look back and see that
maybe we haven't handled things as well as we could have (hindsight is a wonderful thing) but I think this goes for
everyone and if we can all be a little more tolerant, a little more forgiving then maybe we wouldn't always find
ourselves at odds with those that share a different view than we do.

Rather longwinded I know and if you've made it this far then well done!



It's something about being a homebrew developer that causes fucking drama to erupt out of every orifice. What happened to the days when a programmer could just fucking program and release, without having all of this red versus blue shit?

If you're worried about your code getting reused in a way you don't agree with, then don't release it.

If you're worried about your app getting used for purposes you don't agree with, then don't release it.

Tell Harvey Dent not to let the fucking door hit him on the way out.
I won't take it as official till it's on hackmii. Otherwise it's just hearsay and Marcan's angry comments... anyone can say anything when upset... Until I hear otherwise from him on his own website, I'm just going to sit back and say this is all drama.

Anyone need be reminded of Waninkoko when his first backup loader was launched?
[quote name='koji2009' post='1895380' date='Apr 10 2009, 09:49 PM']Anyone need be reminded of Waninkoko when his first backup loader was launched?[/quote]

Waninkoko is evil. Evil is persistant. Marcan is crybaby white night who's throwing a huge hell spell about human nature taking it's natural course.

I'm saying it again, if you can't work with or ignore piracy then you need to never make "homebrew" for any piece of software-based consumer electronics. The first thing anyone thinks of when I tell them "I can install Wii homebrew" is "how do I get free games?". If you can't deal, then don't do it. You're just causing yourself stress.
all programmers and developers in the scene who have contribute work for the benefits of the others , deserves all the respect regardless of their personal opinions about how it is used or by who and this is a part of the open source development logic , if Marcan wants to go so we can say nothing but all the good luck in what he's going to do next ;) , and I do know from a personal experience in the PSP scene that leaving the scene is not an easy word to say and one might regret it all the way but there is no going back up to my standards ( sorry cause I say what I do , and do what I say ) , but the most important part is that the scene never dies with someone leaving it , it always stays going forward with all the others hard work , peace to all , Marcan good luck buddy .
Waninkoko is Bowser. Evil. (As well as dumb.). Marcan is Mario. Actually, I think Bushing is Mario. Marcan can be Luigi.

Bye bye, Marcan. You did more for the scene than Waninkoko ever did. I'm sorry to see you leave.

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