Tales of Vesperia.

lol. There are spoilers in this blog. So just don't look in the spoilers. And for who ever posts in this thread, post in spoilers as well if it is related to the game. Don't want people to get pissed off.


Okay, so it was in December, I was looking for a scrapbook for school. Once I bought one, I decided to go to FutureShop to see if there were any games I wanted... I went directly to the X-Box 360 of course. Once there, I looked at the new games. Nothing really that I wanted. Was waiting for some new sale and I also did not buy anything over $40 because I was saving up my money for Final Fantasy XIII.

I check out the used section and find Tales of Vesperia there for $15. I was like, "YES FINALLY". I bought it, then once I got home, I removed the plastic that was wrapping it. I open up the case... And find that the Instruction Booklet was in mint condition. It looked new... And didn't feel used. I check the disc, to see if there were any scratches, and what do you know, no scratches! I was amazed... It was like, "wow". I realized 1 problem a few days ago, the case that holds the game had a hole, which meant the case got chipped and lost a piece of the plastic. But I didn't care, the game was in mint condition and so was the instructions.


Now onto the gameplay...
I am pretty far out in the game... I just visited the place where Krityans are from. And then next thing you know, Raven and Estelle were gone. After searching around that floating island, Yuri had a flashback of Raven. It took me time to find out what the flashback meant, but then I finally found out what it meant; Raven is part of the Imperial Knights. I was like WTF, NOOO.

Then once my guild made it to the Shrine, I saw Duke there. He gave me his sword after Yuri and him had a quarrel. I was like Damn... I don't want to fight him. Then he just threw his sword at me and I was like phew... Then my team got deeper in the dungeon. Saw Estelle and Alexei and didn't think I was ready yet. Next thing you know, Alexei escapes and the Schwann Brigade comes. The captain of the Schwann Brigade was right in front of me and then I saw his brown hair. I was like, This can't be Raven... And then Repede uses his dog senses and says that the person is Raven!

Raven betrayed me... God damnit. I beat him and had some trouble, but I beat him. I think there is something wrong with my character... I haven't reached Over Limit 3... And I desperately need it after receiving the special sword which would allow me to use Mystic Arts. But anyway, I beat Raven and am not on Heracles. I shoulda restocked items, but I didn't. I am going to breach the engine room, which seems like a hard task. My team is under leveled considering that Raven came back and was defaulted at Level 44 while my team was Level 41 -> 43 except for Yuri who was Level 45.


The $15 I spent for the game was worth it... Now I just have to save up for FF XIII.


Well, while I was playing I was always under leveled, but always managed to have more than enough items. Like even in the demo you battled the Wolf thing in the forest with way more than enough items, but somehow I was the only person I know personally that got past that part in the game and demo. Plus, I tried it once without Rita and it still was easy. >_>

Yeah, Raven's part was a real WTF? moment since I read like nothing ahead so it just happened out of nowhere for me.

You could grind out like 10-20+ levels, but later on there is a part where the enemies are slightly plentiful. I'm 5 levels higher than them but it's not a cake walk to kill them. Since they're damage tanks, kinda, plus they have really annoying tactics.
Uh to get Overlimit 3 you need to synthesize some shit in the shop at Mantiac (the desert place) don't know exactly what you need but you should be able to get whatever is needed from the monsters in that area
[quote name='Twiffles' post='2597022' date='Feb 13 2010, 05:10 PM']Well, while I was playing I was always under leveled, but always managed to have more than enough items. Like even in the demo you battled the Wolf thing in the forest with way more than enough items, but somehow I was the only person I know personally that got past that part in the game and demo. Plus, I tried it once without Rita and it still was easy. >_>

Yeah, Raven's part was a real WTF? moment since I read like nothing ahead so it just happened out of nowhere for me.

You could grind out like 10-20+ levels, but later on there is a part where the enemies are slightly plentiful. I'm 5 levels higher than them but it's not a cake walk to kill them. Since they're damage tanks, kinda, plus they have really annoying tactics.
Ah I see. Well at the moment, I am under leveled. And am running out of Apple Gels. Not good... I need these to heal. Having Karol isn't enough... Since all he can do Nice Aid Smash... And I don't want to use my Orange Gels. But I do.

Aha. I am just wondering how he got out of the Shrine now... But really, it is hard to believe that Raven was important to both sides.

I can't grind... I am running out of items xP. And my Tents/Mats aren't working for some reason... I have no idea when to use them. Or where to use them in that matter. The closest thing I could do just to save up my TP is by changing the tactics. I made it to only use 25% of the TP and to save up 75%. I should've thought about this before. My team abuses TP... And now, I finally found out how to limit them xD. So far, all the enemies I fight, I go straight for the Bishops.

Oh and also, am stuck... I destroyed 2 of the generators that create those blockers. I can't find the other ones... Ideas?

[quote name='Linkiboy' post='2597358' date='Feb 13 2010, 08:38 PM']Uh to get Overlimit 3 you need to synthesize some shit in the shop at Mantiac (the desert place) don't know exactly what you need but you should be able to get whatever is needed from the monsters in that area[/quote]
DAMNIT. I am no where near Mantiac...
Well for one, Tents and Mats can only be used on the overworld map.
Second thing, which generators have you destroyed, if you're still on that part.
[quote name='Twiffles' post='2597510' date='Feb 13 2010, 10:33 PM']
Well for one, Tents and Mats can only be used on the overworld map.
Second thing, which generators have you destroyed, if you're still on that part.
Damn bastards... What's the point of giving tents in chests when you can't even use them in dungeons.
Umm... I have destroyed the first 2 generators.
[quote name='Splych' post='2597599' date='Feb 13 2010, 11:24 PM'][quote name='Twiffles' post='2597510' date='Feb 13 2010, 10:33 PM']
Well for one, Tents and Mats can only be used on the overworld map.
Second thing, which generators have you destroyed, if you're still on that part.
Damn bastards... What's the point of giving tents in chests when you can't even use them in dungeons.
Umm... I have destroyed the first 2 generators which is the blue and purple one I think... But if that doesn't help, I am trying to destroy the yellow one
Why are these spoilers?
[quote name='BeatriceTheGolden' post='2597603' date='Feb 13 2010, 11:26 PM'][quote name='Splych' post='2597599' date='Feb 13 2010, 11:24 PM'][quote name='Twiffles' post='2597510' date='Feb 13 2010, 10:33 PM']
Well for one, Tents and Mats can only be used on the overworld map.
Second thing, which generators have you destroyed, if you're still on that part.
Damn bastards... What's the point of giving tents in chests when you can't even use them in dungeons.
Umm... I have destroyed the first 2 generators which is the blue and purple one I think... But if that doesn't help, I am trying to destroy the yellow one
Why are these spoilers?
Just let us be. xD.
Well if you are where I think you are, you have 3 more switches left. Since when you first get up to where the gates are there is the yellow one. Way towards the bottom is the blue one. Then there's pink, white, and green.

Well since I forgot just read this if you want. :X

Hit the yellow contraption at the south with the Sorcerer's Ring. Head down
the ladder next to the stairs, then up another ladder for a Guardian Stamp.
Head to the south end of that platform and hit the blocks as they come along.
Your aim is to destroy the machine below.

Head down the ladder, then down the one to the left. There's a little metal
thing heading down to a lower level. Stand right next to it and fire the ring
to make another block fall on a machine. Go back to the main bridge where you
have broken some barriers, and hit the machine at the very end. Now go back
to where you were, and down the last ladder. Move the lift to the upper level
and push the block on top the last machine. Kiss this puzzle goodbye. Go to the
bridge and save.
[quote name='Twiffles' post='2597610' date='Feb 13 2010, 11:32 PM']
Well if you are where I think you are, you have 3 more switches left. Since when you first get up to where the gates are there is the yellow one. Way towards the bottom is the blue one. Then there's pink, white, and green.

Well since I forgot just read this if you want. :X

Hit the yellow contraption at the south with the Sorcerer's Ring. Head down
the ladder next to the stairs, then up another ladder for a Guardian Stamp.
Head to the south end of that platform and hit the blocks as they come along.
Your aim is to destroy the machine below.

Head down the ladder, then down the one to the left. There's a little metal
thing heading down to a lower level. Stand right next to it and fire the ring
to make another block fall on a machine. Go back to the main bridge where you
have broken some barriers, and hit the machine at the very end. Now go back
to where you were, and down the last ladder. Move the lift to the upper level
and push the block on top the last machine. Kiss this puzzle goodbye. Go to the
bridge and save.
L dies.
[quote name='BeatriceTheGolden' post='2597619' date='Feb 13 2010, 08:40 PM']
L dies.
[quote name='Twiffles' post='2597625' date='Feb 13 2010, 11:43 PM']

It was in spoiler tags for a reason.
You don't need to be in mantaic to synthesize overlimit 3.
Any synthesis shop will do, you just need some items from around the mantaic area.

I love Tales of Vesperia. Easily my favorite 360 game. I've played the crap out of it.
[quote name='Omocho' post='2597689' date='Feb 14 2010, 12:40 AM']You don't need to be in mantaic to synthesize overlimit 3.
Any synthesis shop will do, you just need some items from around the mantaic area.

I love Tales of Vesperia. Easily my favorite 360 game. I've played the crap out of it.[/quote]
Good to know ^_^

I am on my way to find the next synthesis shop... What am I suppose to be looking for anyway? To get Over Limit 3?
Eh it's been a while.
Items dropped by the fire/ice bats in the desert I think it was. 1 flare stone and 1 frost stone.
[quote name='Omocho' post='2598917' date='Feb 14 2010, 02:51 PM']Eh it's been a while.
Items dropped by the fire/ice bats in the desert I think it was. 1 flare stone and 1 frost stone.[/quote]
Woot awesome. I got Over Limit 3 now!

Am at Zaphias now. In the castle... I just found the Lower Quarter citizens in the Knight's Dining Hall + the Schwann Brigade. Man, Just finding out that Raven is Schwann is wow... I have no idea where to go actually. I want Rita to learn Tidal Wave so I can start grinding grade for my second playthrough but it is taking forever... Also, Am experimenting with Yuri's Burst Artes. I can't want to test out his Mystic Arte

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  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Lmao wasn't intentional
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    it's ok
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Cool 👍
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Omg Emmental flavored Pringles are delicious
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    S+ my fav Pringles taste
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    We don't have those here :(
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    feeling sleepy
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    time to go to bed
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    bye pog champs
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Faust03, Sad ☹️ they're delicious
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    they have mexican street corn ones over here that I thought were alright
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Haven't tried them, maybe we don't have them here 🤔
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    maybe not
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    where do you live?
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    Oh, cool!
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    Always wanted to go there
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Nice! Food's pretty good here, that's the thing I like most lol. You can make delicious pasta dishes with good ingredients without spending too much money. Art and history are also pretty interesting, there are a lot of stuff to see
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    They're turning the frogs gay
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    more spambots! yaaay...
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