Summer, movies and boredom

Summer's been particularly uneventful. I mostly just sit about the house and watch HBO or do stuff on my netbook. It's friggin hot out here and that's why I avoid going out. However, I do go out when there's a movie to be watched. If I'm correct, I think I've watched nearly every significant release that came out in the past two months, always with my cousin. Not too many are good though... *HOP*

I have only 20 days left and I'm doing.. nothing. My friends may get back from whatever the hell they're doing in a few days... so I will force them to go out with me. Perfect timing actually, Kung Fu Panda 2 is next on my list, and it's coming out on the 26th.

Watched Pirates of the Caribbean 4 yesterday, and damn did this suck ass. It was boring, so much that I actually decided to watch videos on my cellphone. It was repetitive and overlong, incoherent and unnecessarily noisy. I think I've had more than enough of my Pirates movies. There's only so much you can do with a theme park ride. Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney keep cashing this in, it's annoying.

Harry Potter fever is getting to me again. MUST FUCKING SEE IF THEY DID A GOOD JOB. Trailer looks very nice.

My hair is long. I should get it cut sometime, since we have annoying school regulations.

Just a song to finish it off, love this one.


I've heard Pirates 4 (not to be confused with a non-existent fourth installment of a certain porn movie) was pretty disappointing from you, and Philip DeFranco (lolyoutube). Too bad, I was really looking forward to it.

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