Stupid brats

I had bit of trouble with kids at the shop last night but now I saw it was all a trick and I'm disgusted.

It started off with a kid "losing" his £10 note. He came back to the shop and asked if I had seen it. Obviously what people lose in the shop is not my responsibility but I helped him look for a bit and didn't find it. The boy then turns and says how nobody came into the shop. I say where his line of reasoning went and immidiately became outraged.

Was this little shit actually accusing me of stealing his £10? I earn twenty times as much and have a healthy bank balance so I have absolutely no clue why I would go out of my way to keep £10. I have a till full of fucking cash next to me which I can steal from yet I do not because I consider myself a person with "acceptable" (I pirate after all :P) moral standards.

He then went to demand that I show him the cctv footage which I obviously denied. I'm not allowed to show customers the footage and I sure as hell wasn't going to go out of my way to help some brat who is accusing me of being a thief. I said no and asked him to get out of my shop. He tried going behind the till and physically threatening me like he could scare me. He went on to say that if he does't get his money back "the wall will be red by tonight".

Now obviously I don't see a kid who is half my size as much of a threat but I live in a part of london where even looking at someone wrong is asking for a beating. Not long ago a drunk kid about my age (and race) was savagely beaten to death for spitting on someone. If I made the wrong move this kid would go and get his brothers/friends and probably make me end up in the hospital. I decided that it wasn't worth it and refused to argue with him. I told the boy to get out of my or else I'm calling the police. He left and that was the last I saw of him (and probably will for a long time).

Even though our shop is an internet cafe, we offer other things like phone and pc repairs, international phone calls and sales of mobile phones. The mobile phones are in a certain display cabinet near the till right in front of where I sit. When I came back to the shop I noticed the display cabinet for the phones was a bit odd, like something was missing. I didn't take any real notice of it untill the guy who is in charge of the phones came round to do his weekly inspection and noticed that one of them was missing. I put two and two together and realised that the kid must have distracted me while they stole the phone...

I guess that my biggest mistake was allowing the kid to get under my skin. I allowed him to get me all worked up and I was foolish to turn my back on such important items. I am disgusted and feel like such a fool for allowing them to get away with it. Luckily my boss and the guy who handles the phones are both understanding and told me to take this as a lesson. I don't have to pay for the stolen phone but I still feel really guilty about it...


damn punks >.>
this is why it should be mandatory to have a shotgun in every store :D
Don't you hate East London?

I try to go out as much as possible to stay away from the weak so-called "gangsters", chavs and hoodies.
*Sigh* The youth of the world. Is it genocidal to want to kill off every recent generation? :P In all seriousness though, that's really low. Hell of a distraction tactic though. Pretending there's been a crime... in order to commit a crime.
Yet another argument supporting my idea that all children should be put into the Matrix at the age of ten and kept there to their early twenties.
[quote name='Veho' post='1632058' date='Dec 14 2008, 05:53 PM']Yet another argument supporting my idea that all children should be put into the Matrix at the age of ten and kept there to their early twenties.[/quote]

Following that logic I'd still be in the matrix now D:

Anyways, I still feel a bit foolish for allowing him to get the upper hand on me but I'm fine. Whats done is done and regretting it won't do any good. I probably won't see him around anymore.
You don't have to even give that little shit that much attention. after a while you get to notice people's body language and get a spidey sense about if and when they will try to fuck you over in some way. next time look the guy in the eye and if they overstep the boundaries of a customer you do have to right to do whatever it takes to get that store safe, including throwing the bums out and charging him with breach of peace (i dont know what they would call in in Londontown).
well, they recently unbanned samurai swords (I hate that term but no one knows wtf nihontō means usually :ph34r: :rolleyes: ) in the uk, so perhaps you could persuade your store manager that selling them would be good for business. of course, they would have to bet kept behind the counter, on a wall display, preferably about shoulder height ;) :D
Also I should point out that these robbers were stupid enough to leave the box behind of the phone. It has the IMEI number on it so we can render the phone unusable lol
[quote name='Xcalibur' post='1632325' date='Dec 14 2008, 12:04 PM']Also I should point out that these robbers were stupid enough to leave the box behind of the phone. It has the IMEI number on it so we can render the phone unusable lol[/quote]
lol thats nice to hear. At least you weren't out right screwed. Even though im considered one of the "youth of this generation," im not a dumb ass like were stereotyped to be. I hate that my generation is stereotyped for not having common sense and being violent. Well maybe thats true but Im glad im not one of them. first guess would be p1ngy!! That little brat!! :lol:

No, but serious, man, that could happen to anybody, be grateful that it ended that way, because if you noticed it, they might even beat you or something worst, because if they set their mind to stole it, they might be prepared to do something more serious!

I'm glad you're OK, and time will heal anything..Don't feel bad about it ;)
[quote name='da_head' post='1631893' date='Dec 14 2008, 06:54 PM']damn punks >.>
this is why it should be mandatory to have a shotgun in every store :D[/quote]
+1 for that.
What an asshole man, the one time I wasnt in your cafe some disgusting pathetic thief turns up and tricks you!

If I was there rest assured I would have issued a stern p0wning, and then dumped his corpse in the river Thames! :angry:
[quote name='p1ngpong' post='1632422' date='Dec 14 2008, 09:07 PM']What an asshole man, the one time I wasnt in your cafe some disgusting pathetic thief turns up and tricks you!

If I was there rest assured I would have issued a stern p0wning, and then dumped his corpse in the river Thames! :angry:[/quote]

I appreciate that p1ngy :wub:
if I follow your logic, you should be able to watch CCTV footage and find out who stole the phone?
[quote name='Costello' post='1632498' date='Dec 14 2008, 04:47 PM']if I follow your logic, you should be able to watch CCTV footage and find out who stole the phone?[/quote]
good luck identifying and tracking them down.
[quote name='JPH' post='1632507' date='Dec 14 2008, 09:50 PM'][quote name='Costello' post='1632498' date='Dec 14 2008, 04:47 PM']if I follow your logic, you should be able to watch CCTV footage and find out who stole the phone?[/quote]
good luck identifying and tracking them down.

Or getting the police to care about it! :angry:
well arent you supposed to put FAKE phones on display to show what they look like, and not put the real bloody thing on a shelf!

im still young (13) but i wouldent do that, id only rip off people at the arcade and say "i put $2 in there and it didnt do anything! i tried pressing the button but it didnt come back out! (sob)" then the rest is magic......

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