*sigh* More Insomnia

Man, Why does it always happen to me. It seems it happens at parties too. If some people recall the last time I had insomnia like this was back in July on my sisters birthday. Well now its 4:48AM on New Years Day. Yet again, I can't sleep. I don't know why I can't sleep though. At 3AM I felt like if I dropped my head on a pillow I could fall fast asleep in no time. I think the Mountain Dew finally kicked in because I'm not even really that tired right now. Its really starting to piss me off too because I am taking professionally done band pictures tomorrow and I don't want to look like I haven't sleep in like 3 days. Seriously if I fall asleep finally in the next hour or so I don't even know what time I will be waking up, and on top of all of this I don't feel so good either. I think I ate and drank too much soda, It doesn't really hurt a lot but sometimes it just hurts for a few seconds and then stops. God I hate this so much...


Update: Its now basically an hour later at 5:46AM. That hour flew by like nothing. Right now my stomach doesn't feel that bad but I have been peeing a lot which has been really pissing me off. I actually almost feel asleep when I got awaken by have to go to the bathroom. This has now in fact happened about 4 times in the past half hour.

Jesus Christ, I really don't think I will be going to sleep.
I've been an insomniac for about 3 years. And I'm a freshmen in high school. Getting about 2-4 hours of sleep each night. If it continues to haooen to you, it'll just grow on you.
Yeah it sucks ass. I finally got to sleep that night around 7AM then my friend woke me at 11AM wondering how to set-up the NES.

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