Retro Review 7 aka Maybe Called Something Else

Well it's taken two years but it's finally on its way. Currently just waiting for those who have said that they will do a review to submit theirs, in the meantime though if anyone does want to contribute then that'll still be great. The general rule of thumb is that things that are reviewed must be around 10+ years old, though I may add an exception to those who maybe want to review a remake and compare it to the original...either way I would need all reviews in by July 27th.

At the moment it looks to be just a gaming one, I did want music, movies, TV even books but it looks like those mediums may be ignore on this issue.

Those curious about doing a review but may need a guide, take a look at the last one:


Definitely going to keep an eye on this, I've just started getting parts for a small mame/visual pinball cabinet I'm going to build so this should get me in the right mood.

"The general rule of thumb is that things that are reviewed must be around 10+ years old"
If I finish the game I'm planning on writing for before the deadline I'll try to submit something. I'm not a definite though.
There's always next month!

Just noticed that what I do have is quite Nintendo platform heavy so anyone else thinking of doing something on another publishers platform would be handy.

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