Ravens thoughts #1 - The IQ of the Average Pirate

Preface: I want to thank you all for coming to read my blog where over the coming days i will try to blog about different topics. the reason why I'm starting my blog is to hopefully supply my fellow tempers with something interesting to read and also to cure me from my state of boredom between job hunting. Hopefully my goal is to provide you with an insight as to how i think and function as a person. As always I welcome any comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Lets get on with our regularly scheduled program.

I can clearly remember when I first started pirating games in earnest on my old 233Mhz P2 PC back when SNES games were getting dumped and I had to spend 10 min to download a SNES game just because I had a pissy dial up connection. In the olden days of pirating you had to do your own research before you were able to play most games (i,e. Check comp specs to see if an emulator would run on the comp and what emulators can run which games etc.) the scene back then was even more underground back then and you couldnt just ask "Hey, where can i find this or that rom?"

As i look around nowadays there are massive communties devoted to the pirating scene on a perticular console/brand. it makes me wonder if communtites like this in some way contribute to the dumbing down of the IQ for the average pirate. Whatever happened to people doing their own reseach before asking for help to find or fix something? why do people feel it necessary to sign up on a site just to say "Hey I bought this but it broked so help me fix it." Whatever happened to using the old search engine and figuring things out for yourself. Many People today they just make an account and say "How so i set up XXXX flashcart and where can i find XXXX rom (note to mods- im not giving out sites, this is just an example:)) why cant that n00b spend some time looking on search engines trying to find thing on their own instead of joining a forum to whine for help like a 2 year old? has the IQ of the average pirate sunk so low that they dont know how to do things forthemselves?

If this is indeed the case then i feel sorry for the future of the rom scene in general because by then people will become too reliant to do things for themselves.

Until next time stay safe and happy pirating B-)


Nice post. I know exactly what you mean. I feel like a real old fart when I do it but I do get nostalgiac for the old scene days. With the scenes back then being alot more closed-knit you really had to have at least basic knowledge before you could get involved.

Asking for help on how to install something, how to apply cracks and various other "tech help" questions would have got you banned from alot of the old bulletin boards that I was a member of. Even the couriers (modem traders) had enough tech knowledge to do that particular job. You couldn't actually get a courier position without knowing it.

The DS scene is really different though, and basically modern piracy in general is different. Release Groups these days are just that. They're basically dumpers and that's all, very rarely having any of the shady skills that the old groups had. Very little gets dumped that's pre-release, most stuff getting dumped after the store date.

The one thing I really miss is intros. Everyone these days wants clean roms and their copies to be exactly the same as they are in the stores. The actual technical skills are missing from the groups in the DS Scene. I have alot more respect for the homebrew coders then any of the release groups, simply because their skills are that much greater. Gone are the days of groups like Quartex, Anthrox, TRSI and many others.

I know it's different now that anyone can use rom sites and finding stuff is just a Google away, but still I miss groups advertising the fact that it took some skill to do what they did. How many DS scene groups have people working in factories that sneak the odd pre-release cart out? With the internet it also takes alot less skill to do the actual trading.

Back then phone charges were massive and if you wanted to be good to you had to trade worldwide (Scene group 1:1 ratio 0-day WHQ Aminet BBS FTW!) which meant that you had to learn to "circumvent" phone charges. These days it's not necessary which really should have been a good thing but it really has killed piracy like Raven has said.

For a start it's made it so open that alot of people instead of seeing it as a priviledge it's more "their right". I think mostly because they haven't had to put a single microgramme of real work or skill into it. I think that's why there's also alot of confusion for newcomers about the difference between the community and the scene.

Sorry I'm rambling and I feel like I'm hijacking your thread. I agree with what you're saying about the dumbing down of pirates general but I think it's cos we forget that there's a huge difference between a dedicated scene member and the guy who Googled "free games".
For a start it's made it so open that alot of people instead of seeing it as a priviledge it's more "their right". I think mostly because they haven't had to put a single microgramme of real work or skill into it. I think that's why there's also alot of confusion for newcomers about the difference between the community and the scene.

you sir are exactly right. i think its more rewarding back then when you actually reaped the rewards of doing things on your own then having it spoon fed on a silver platter

as for hijacking its no problem really. i write blogs for my enjoyment and i welcome all well formed perspectives
Oh man. I remember those days. I remember when the FFV translation was new and I was playing it with my computer keyboard. SNES piracy was the best and you're right; it took fucking forever to download those games.

Even better was later on in the early 2000s when DeJap was tearing shit up. I'll never forget how happy I was to play the DQ I&II remake and DQV in English. It was a real treat. Even better was the Bahamut Lagoon translation, those were some good times.

Things are a lot easier now but I feel bad for some of these kids that are new to the site. Yeah, it's easy to complain about kids with R4s but I can't really get mad at them. I mainly get mad at the R4 team for not saying a god damned word while there were fake R4s floating all over the place. It just made things harder for forums like this.
Thanks for the nostalgia bomb, I really needed to feel "old" *sigh*

Anyway, this brings me back to the BBS days. There were a few local BBSs into my city. One of them was, somehow, a warez site. I still remember Doom 2 was 4 floppies to download... holy, that's a whopping 1.4 Mbs PER DISK . That's ~30 minutes for a 4 meg download on my blazing 28800 baud. (never had a 56k :( )

The only group I really remember is RAZOR (They had four numbers after their name, but I forget: 1161 or 1911 or something?) But what I miss are the sweet animations in the .exes that came with downloads. It usually had a killer song inside of it made of delicious techno. Now? I'd never even think of opening the 'extra' exe file because it's probably a virus.

Note: Some Keygens these days have some music to them.

Snes Emulation!? Woo! I remember when SNES9X and Zsnes were fighting it out. They were still working on sound emulation at the time. The earlier builds would run HORRIBLE if sound was enabled... and the sound was choppy... but that didn't stop me from trying to play Chrono Trigger.

...ack, I just remember .mod files for music. MP3s coming years later, I only really had two choices... midi and mod. I had a DOS mod player (tracker?) that had AMAZING visual animations. Thing was like, 14 megs if you wanted the animations.

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Raven Darkheart
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  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    "So if the person who told me June release is all but confirmed to be correct, then that could mean the pricing they gave me of $449/$499 USD might also be correct. Think the $50 extra is a Mario Kart Bundle."
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Yeah I doubt it releases In june
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Who knows, that's still almost 6 months from now
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    It would make more sense for them to announce price in March Maybe display specs release more features then have sales go live during holidays
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Og switch did go on sale in March so it's a possibility it may come earlier
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Switch 1 was released on March 3, edit yea you beat me to it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But $450 for LCD seems steep, then next year be the OLED for what? $500-550
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Lol the modder got arrested thread FU Nintendo evil bastards - can't wait for that new switch tho
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    So annoying people do that this sucks so bad but I'm gonna keep giving them money type of nonsense
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea there a member here, I won't mention name but he in every post trashes Nintendy and he lists his consoles in footer, all Nintendy consoles and a pc.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Didn't know Nintendo made Android devices
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Sounds like that one guy that bought a bunch of 360 consoles and hardly makes a profit on them
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Lol, I only have bout 5 or 6 of them left, I stopped buying/ modding/ selling them temp. Got tired of it and been busy doing other shit here lately.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I'm bored of buying electronics so I've been using it on myself to get fixed up may actually look into better furniture this summer
  • T @ Texasauras:
    help i have marlboro codes
  • T @ Texasauras:
    did anyone get prismatic
  • T @ Texasauras:
    where is everyone
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Zzzzzz sleeping
  • T @ Texasauras:
  • T @ Texasauras:
  • T @ Texasauras:
  • T @ Texasauras:
    oh shit oh shit oh shit
  • T @ Texasauras:
    hahhaah, did you check your local city lan, pc bar, they have their own discord too
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Sorry my testicles just fell off
    K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: Sorry my testicles just fell off