PSA to "Girl Gamers"

Remember friends: Posting pictures of yourself licking/sucking/biting a 360 controller doesn't make you a gamer. It just makes you a girl that likes licking some of the dirtiest electronics on the planet. Seriously, can you imagine how many germs are on a used 360 controller?

Even without that, you are not a "gamer girl", you are a Gamer, whom by the power of genetics, just so-happen to be of the female persuasion. There doesn't need to be any more titles past that, and you certainly don't need to point out that you have a vagina over Xbox Live. Just play the damn game. Don't go on about how "Ironic" you are for being a "Girl Gamer". You're not. In fact there are many female Gamers that are perfectly happy with just playing the game, and only revealing their gender if they have something to say over voice-chat pertaining to the game. You are not a unique snowflake. You will not get special treatment (at least from me) because you are a female Gamer, and if you really need to point it out, I'll most likely mute you.

Seriously. Knock it off.

If it still needs to be said, I really have no problem with female Gamers. What I do have a problem with is "Gamer Girls".


I just read an article from somewhere about this like...last night.

It really fucking gets on my nerves, especially when they demand you treat them special. "OH I'M A GIRL YOU SHOULD GIVE ME 10G!" And then you have those fucking nerds who do it. Anyone who announces themselves as a "girl gamer" is just an attention whore using video games to gain said attention. Like damn, we get it, you're a girl congratulations now shut the fuck up and play the damn game.
I only reveal my gender when I play FPS games on my PS3 and guys ask me if they just got killed by a girl. I get sick of answering that question, though.

I can't stand any girl who constantly says they're a girl while playing a game. I usually hunt them down and kill them first in the game. There's your special treatment.

But I don't know what you're talking about. I am indeed a unique snowflake.
So what is a gamer girl? I never knew there was a term for girls who actually played games o.O
Why do girls get a special titles for playing games? I want a title too! :(
I look at it this way, a true "gamer girl"... isn't. She's just a gamer.

Kind of a mindfuck, but yeah.
I don't play that online games, but I used to have a roommate that only played WoW. All she did was spend the whole time bragging that she was the only girl in her guild. I wasn't even in the game and I wanted to mute her mic!
I don't really know why some girls are biting a controller.
It doesn't taste that nice, I think.
Or maybe I'm missing out on something.

Also: games <3
That stuff is a turn off, FYI: if you want to make porn of yourself, there's millions of different places and situations that are better than this and definitely more hygenic.
I think it is necessary to make your gender known on Xbox Live, though not in a showy way. I often find myself asking people on Halo if they're 11 or a girl. (Or both, nopedo)
[quote name='TehSkull' timestamp='1340490598'] I think it is necessary to make your gender known on Xbox Live, though not in a showy way. I often find myself asking people on Halo if they're 11 or a girl. (Or both, nopedo) [/quote]
How can you not tell the difference? One will be swearing and bitching nonstop and screaming while the other would just...I dunno, play the game and make conversation and maybe swear a bit?
[quote name='Suprgamr232' timestamp='1340492424']
How can you not tell the difference? One will be swearing and bitching nonstop and screaming while the other would just...I dunno, play the game and make conversation and maybe swear a bit?

Or giggle every time she kills you and says, "NOOOOOOO" every time she dies.
Not saying I do that, but... I do that.
Agreed, they're not special. They're just gamers who also happen to be overly needy for attention.
As a non attention seeking version of a girl gamer - I think it's probably just a fad. (I hope...)
I never really speak on online games because I've had too many bad experiences with people being douchy just for the sake of it. And when I do, it's mostly to congratulate them on a job well done or a good match.

I personally have problems with people identifying themselves as a "girl gamer" - because I've been a gamer who happens to be a girl for most of my life - I don't want the attention or the extra special treatment. I just want to play the damn game.
[quote name='Phoenix Goddess' timestamp='1340495938'] [quote name='Suprgamr232' timestamp='1340492424']How can you not tell the difference? One will be swearing and bitching nonstop and screaming while the other would just...I dunno, play the game and make conversation and maybe swear a bit?[/quote]Or giggle every time she kills you and says, "NOOOOOOO" every time she dies.Not saying I do that, but... I do that. [/quote]

I don't think i've played with a female in Halo that didn't do that.
[quote name='Hells Malice' timestamp='1340505087']
I don't think i've played with a female in Halo that didn't do that.

Oh good, I'm not the only girl like that out there.

Another thing that bothers me when male gamers find out you're a girl is that they'll sometimes try to make small talk with you, send you messages, or flirt. It's fucking annoying as balls. I don't want to talk. I just want to kill and blow things up.

It is sweet when someone(male or female) comes to my rescue when I'm surrounded by enemies. My nerd in shining armor.

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