
I have a TERRIBLE habbit of procrastination. Everytime I have a project it doesn't get done until 2 or 3 days until due date. Right now I have HUGE world war II project due in three days and I havn't started. :S I really need to stop this habbit. Any suggestions on how to do that? Like right now I'm only in grade 10 and if I keep this up I'm SCREWED for grades 11 and 12 and university or college.


Suggestion: Don't be on GBAtemp and instead of posting blog rants about procrastination, you might want to get started on that project!

But just so you know, about 90% of the youth today have the same exact problem. Myself included. I don't know, maybe set up a reward system for yourself? Like, say, if you do your work for 1 hour straight, you can spend the next half an hour playing your favorite video game or getting yourself some good to eat? Sometimes that works for me!
[quote name='BeatriceTheGolden' post='2772772' date='Apr 20 2010, 10:35 PM']Why don't you just do your damn work?[/quote]
I'm actually working on it now :P

[quote name='yuyuyup' post='2772778' date='Apr 20 2010, 10:36 PM']quit school forever[/quote]
Good suggestion, but I think I'm good

[quote name='tinymonkeyt' post='2772783' date='Apr 20 2010, 10:38 PM']Suggestion: Don't be on GBAtemp and instead of posting blog rants about procrastination, you might want to get started on that project!

But just so you know, about 90% of the youth today have the same exact problem. Myself included. I don't know, maybe set up a reward system for yourself? Like, say, if you do your work for 1 hour straight, you can spend the next half an hour playing your favorite video game or getting yourself some good to eat? Sometimes that works for me![/quote]
I might try that.
I have procrastination problems too. From a procrastinator to a procrastinator, all I can suggest is that you cut yourself off from your distractions (video games, reading, forums) and just GET TO WORK. I've done it plenty of times before. It's hard, but doable. All you need is self-control.
well, i have a habit of procrastinating too, so what i did, would be to set a daily checklist of things to do.

Planning a schedule also helps.

and i keep these these things in a notepad titled: I DARE YOU READ ME YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!!

in the notepad i have a list of things to do

------Things to do------

- get started on research
- open up microsoft visual studio
- etc

-----Things to do tomorrow-------

this part usually is written after 6pm.

- find more research
- etc.
Turn off your internet browser, open up your textbook, and work someplace where there are no distractions
[quote name='yuyuyup' post='2772778' date='Apr 20 2010, 07:36 PM']quit school forever[/quote]
fuck yeah

Currently working on essay due last Friday.
Welcome to my life. I swear, exams make me drag my feet worse than a trip to the dentist. I have an huge cumulative exam on Friday, and all I can do is organize my notes.
[quote name='flameiguana' post='2772799' date='Apr 20 2010, 09:43 PM'][quote name='yuyuyup' post='2772778' date='Apr 20 2010, 07:36 PM']quit school forever[/quote]
fuck yeah

Currently working on essay due last Friday.

Dont QUIT! Continue and go to college my good friend. B-)
No one can get you out of your habit of procrastination other than yourself, some people tend to work better under pressure. It sucks having that feeling of having something big due in such a little amount of time. A suggestion that I have for you is to possibly do it for a set amount of time each day so when the due date comes it is almost if not completely done so that you may even have time to review it. Just cut yourself off from distractions in the day's time that you allot to do your work.
[quote name='Assassination' post='2772840' date='Apr 21 2010, 04:04 AM'][quote name='flameiguana' post='2772799' date='Apr 20 2010, 09:43 PM'][quote name='yuyuyup' post='2772778' date='Apr 20 2010, 07:36 PM']quit school forever[/quote]
fuck yeah

Currently working on essay due last Friday.

Dont QUIT! Continue and go to college my good friend. B-)
[/quote]Erm, you can go to College if you don't go to School anyway.

Also cut your Ethernet cable.
Do your work.

We'll talk when your done with your project.

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