
Not really, though. it's just that the last blog that had pornos in it spanned several pages.

I love attention.

Anyway, I was woken up at 9:20am. My manager wanted me to open the store at 10:00am. It takes half an hour to get there. (T_T)...

No matter, he let me leave at 1:00pm, and he will clock me out at 2:00pm as a thank you.

In other news, I finally got some new conditioner (I ran out).

Srsly, though, Nintendo's next home console had better support DVD playback. I'm on 4.3 and don't have an SD card (only SDHC) so I can't get WiiMC going (SmashStack requires it, and I don't have Lego Indiana Jones or the Yugioh game).

Really want to watch my TTGL DVDs on a TV instead of a laptop :(...



[quote name='amaro' post='3414434' date='Jan 24 2011, 02:58 PM']good story bro! :unsure:[/quote]

This is not a one-face post.
[quote name='monkat' post='3414437' date='Jan 24 2011, 02:59 PM']:angry2:

This is not a one-face post.[/quote]

Then I guess it's a two-faced post, right?

[quote name='Vulpes Abnocto' post='3414453' date='Jan 24 2011, 03:04 PM'][quote name='monkat' post='3414437' date='Jan 24 2011, 02:59 PM']:angry2:

This is not a one-face post.[/quote]

Then I guess it's a two-faced post, right?

You guys realize that by clicking on a thread by monkat with the title of "porn" you're pretty much begging to see hairy nipples......
[quote name='Vulpes Abnocto' post='3414588' date='Jan 24 2011, 04:12 PM']You guys realize that by clicking on a thread by monkat with the title of "porn" you're pretty much begging to see hairy nipples......[/quote]
And he didn't deliver! Hmph. :glare:
[quote name='Vulpes Abnocto' post='3414588' date='Jan 24 2011, 10:12 PM']You guys realize that by clicking on a thread by monkat with the title of "porn" you're pretty much begging to see hairy nipples......[/quote]
That's a know fact.
Good blog.
I hope you can find an SD card... seriously they cost like nothing.

Also, the lack of hairy man-nips is very disturbing.
[quote name='monkat' post='3414622' date='Jan 24 2011, 03:30 PM']:angry2:

Last time I posted hairy man nips I was condemned :([/quote]
[quote name='monkat' post='3414622' date='Jan 24 2011, 09:30 PM']:angry2:

Last time I posted hairy man nips I was condemned :([/quote]
And yet people still like them
[quote name='Vulpes Abnocto' post='3414588' date='Jan 24 2011, 10:12 PM']You guys realize that by clicking on a thread by monkat with the title of "porn" you're pretty much begging to see hairy nipples......[/quote]

Indeed :]
[quote name='King Zargo' post='3414583' date='Jan 24 2011, 03:10 PM']Very misleading threat.[/quote]

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