Yesterday evening/This night I was playing Pokémon Diamond, and I discovered something.
I was playing in my 232nd hour, and I got paralyzed. I always thought that if you were paralyzed you are always the last to attack, but no! Suddenly a wild Spearow level 20 appeare (it was in the route route above Fighter Area), and I threw my Pokéball and my paralyzed Luxray level 99 came out. I attacked, but I was first! And thus I found out that your speed is only lowered very, very much.
I also wanted to use the HM cut in the grass, but unlike in the first 2 generations I didn't cut the grass around me. Stupid that they took that function out of the game.
And the third and last one: being poisoned doesn't make you slower. You only get hurt every turn.
I was playing in my 232nd hour, and I got paralyzed. I always thought that if you were paralyzed you are always the last to attack, but no! Suddenly a wild Spearow level 20 appeare (it was in the route route above Fighter Area), and I threw my Pokéball and my paralyzed Luxray level 99 came out. I attacked, but I was first! And thus I found out that your speed is only lowered very, very much.
I also wanted to use the HM cut in the grass, but unlike in the first 2 generations I didn't cut the grass around me. Stupid that they took that function out of the game.
And the third and last one: being poisoned doesn't make you slower. You only get hurt every turn.